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The True You

Created by ennyrocresuah and taken 16 times on Bzoink

What Is Your Full Name?Stefanie M. S.
How Old Are You?15
Male or Female?femina ^~
Orientation? (Straight, Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian)straight?
Status? (Single, Taken, Married, Divorced, Seperated, Widowed)single, duh
Where do you live?here
Ethnicity? (White, African American, Middle Eastern, Etc.)white
Religion?I'm agnostic thanks
What Is Your Zodiac Sign?Taurus
Do you Smoke or Drink?no
What Is Your Occupation?none
Education Level?high school
What school do you currently attend?ahh, stalker!
What is your birthdate?April 27
Eye Color?blue
Hair Color?brown w/golden highlights
Any Piercings?used to be ears, got infected, yeah
Tattoos of any kind?hell no
What is your favorite food?none
Favorite Dessert?none
Favorite Candy Bar?milky way midnight
Favorite Beverage?root beer
Favorite Season?autumn
Favorite Month?dunno
Favorite Color?purple
Lucky Number?7
Favorite Resturant?dunno
Favorite Fast Food Joint?dunno
Favorite Song?Byakuya ~True Light~
Favorite Band?Evanescence, Green Day
Favorite Artist?uh?
Favorite Album?dunno
Favorite Television Show?dunno
Least Favorite Television Show?dunno
What is Your goal in life?don't have one
Do you want to go to College?sure
If So, What do you want to go for?dunno. I'll just go because it's what I should do.
What is your favorite Music Genre?anime ^~
What is your bedtime?whenever I run out of things to do
Best Physical Feature?*laughs*
What is your goal for school this year?well now it's to make it through AP without losing it
Have any new year's resolutions in mind?yeah, trust my fucking instincts and learn that some people just were NOT meant to be liked or loved
What is your clothing style?dunno
What kind of people do you hang out with?um... my friend people?
Who is your best friend? (If You Have More Than One, Name Em'!)Sara, Cara
Are you in any extra curricular activities?no?
If So, Which Ones?uh?
Are You In Band, Orchestra, or Choir?band
Are You In any athletics?I'm going to be in track (jumping :P)
Do You have any trophies?yeah
If So, What From?math competition thing
Favorite Actor?Johnny Depp
Favorite Actress?dunno
Do you enjoy Anime?well duh, of course! ^~
Are you a bookworm?sometimes
What Is One Thing You Want To Change About Yourself?hahaha... I'm sorry, ONE thing?
What Is Your Heritage? (American, German, Irish, French, etc.)German, English, Canadian... uh, I dunno
What Is Your Forte? (Aka Strong Point)haha... me, strongpoint. that's funny.
What Is Your Weakness?love, trust... lots of things
Have You Ever Done Drugs?no
Have You Ever Had Alcohol?not yet :P
Have You Ever Broken The Law?yeah, not seriously though
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped?no
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped With Someone Else?no oO
What Do You Look For In A Guy/Girl In Personality?kinda shy, kinda outgoing, funny, nice, caring... jeez, I dunno
In Looks?well, the guys I always like have kinda short-longish hair (you know what I'm talking about, lol), dirty blonde to brown usually, and are tall & skinny
In Style?not preppy?
What Country Would You Like To Visit?France
Want To Get Married?I don't want to ruin someone else's life like that. everyone tells me I'd make a horrible wife.
Kids?that'd be cruelty to children. I've also been told multiple times that I'd be a horrible mother as well.
If So, How Many?one or two
Names?dunno, the names just have to come to you, you know? but I like weird, uncommon names
Do You Believe In Love at First Sight?...yes
Believe In Soulmates?............yes...
What's A Perfect Date For You?dunno. any date I could manage to ever get?
How Would You Like To Propose/Be Proposed To?dunno
If You Could Choose A Way To Die, What Would It Be?something painless
Perfect Wedding Spot?dunno
Honeymoon Spot?dunno
What Is The Furthest You Have Gone With Someone?.............
Do You Regret Anything?who doesn't?
What 1 Thing Would you like to do before you die?meet Andrew in person
What 1 Place Would you like to visit before you die?Rochester
Do you think the world will ever achieve peace?haha, no
Are you a health freak?not at all
Do you sing in the shower?yes, if I'm sure no one can hear it
Are you clumsy?probably
Do you have any disorders or sicknesses?most likely. I do have kind of a semi-OCD...
Worst sickness you've ever caught?bronchitis
What's the farthest you've been from home?from FL to NY
What's the longest travel time you've conqured?dunno
Can you drive?not yet
Do you have a job?psh, no
If So, What?don't have one stupid
Do you love your parents?sure
Have Any Pets?yes
Any last words?moo

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