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Mama Barefoot

Botanicals and Wise Birthing

*BOTANICALS* All Mama Barefoot Botanicals are made with the purest ingredients available, created in harmony with moon cycles, and wildcrafted or organic to respect the integrity of our planet. My Botanicals are created to nuture all phases of the feminine cycle; Fetility and Conception, Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum, Menopause, and Custom blended Tonics. Please E-Mail with your mailing address and request for a Botanical Brochure. *SERVICES* Fertility Awareness and Empowerment* Massage: Swedish, LaStone, and the Childbearing Year* Infant and Perineal Massage for Parents* Reiki and Intuitive Energy Healing* Wise Birthing: exploration, preparation and assistance through postpartum* Please E-Mail with your mailing address and request for a Barefoot Birth Brochure. *PERSONAL MISSION* To share the content of my life and soul for the healing of womyn, men, children, and the family. To contribute to the co-creation of a world that supports womyn's and families choices for the birth of their children. To empower womyn to make health and birth choices from a place of power and knowledge verses fear and ignorance. To awaken the wise healer within each person and inspire true responsibility for personal and familial health. To provide the absolute highest quality service and creations that are truly a reflection of my honor for each being and the Earth. To offer botanicals that nuture and nourish the whole being. To havest and craft herbals in ways that are most gentle on the environment, that harness all means of retaining the purest and most potent qualities of the medicines, and that continually respect the Law of Seven Generations. To remain aware of endangered species of plants and be vigilent in the protection and re-growth of these medicines.
