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2003 - Christmas 2005

Link to Luna's former website
Luna with Mexican crown
Christmas fun - '03
Bubble bath fun - 2/04
Luna with flowers - 5/04
Spring 2005
At a wedding - Summer 2005
Preschool farewell 2005
November 2005
December 2005
Christmas 2005

Hello friends and family. Luna is now 5 and 3/4. She's doing great, growing up beautifully, very smart,
active, tall, happy and healthy. She's now in Kindergarten and reading up a storm!

She spends her time with her parents and her parents' significant others. She's surrounded by love.

As most of you know, I fell in love this year with a wonderful man named Raul.
The video below is from our first Christmas together with him and his son Gio who is 2 & 3/4.
Luna loves her extended family very much! Please hit play and enjoy.

Happy Holidays! Peace!
