Gorean Position Quiz

A: nadu
B: tower
C: bara
D: sula
E: sula ki
F: lesha
G: braclets
H: ko-lar
I: hair
J: whipping
K: obedience
L: leading
M: she sleen
N: slaver’s kiss
O: common gorean usage position
P: walk
Q: run
R: Slave Lips
S: belly
T: bound by master’s will
U: bow
V: capture
W: crawl
X: knee crawl
Y: nestle
Z: table
Aa: High Harness
Bb: Kneel (silent command)
Cc: Heel


1: In this position the slave falls to her stomach, face down to the floor and turned to the left, crosses her wrists behind her back, and similarly crosses her ankles, her legs straight, in preparation for binding.

2: assume Nadu position, though with her arms crossed in front of her. She then leans forward and places her head to the floor, first sweeping her hair forward over her shoulders in order that her back might be utterly exposed

3: stands gracefully before her Master, with her hips slightly turned to one side, her back and shoulders erect, her wrists crossed behind her back and her head turned to the left, in anticipation of having slave bracelets attached to her wrists.

4: lays upon her back, her hands at her sides, palms upward, her legs widely spread

5: will fall to your belly and merely crawl accross the ground as low as possible

6: goes to the floor, laying upon her stomach, face down before the Master. She turns her head and places her cheek against his feet, kissing them lightly in a gesture of love and submission.

7: falls to her hands and knees, her head down on the floor, her hindquarters upthrust for viewing and/or her Master's pleasure.

8: can be done in any postion but is unable to move if Master alters her placement and voices she is under this.

9: from the position of nadu, a girl lowers her back to the floor, arms bent back to place her hands near her ears, then pushing herself upward, she rises to her feet, keeping her hands upon the floor, arching into a back bend

10: crawling over the floor upon knees only, hands not touching the ground.

11: falls to the floor upon all fours, and keeps her head straight, her eyes looking forward, with her buttocks thrust upward and her thighs widely spread

12: turns in a graceful pirouette, her hair swinging. She then walks, gliding across the room, her feet hardly seeming to leave the floor, her hips swaying sensually, her body erect and proud. When she reaches her objective she halts and stands, her body erect, her shoulders back, her chest thrust forward, her belly in. She turns her hip out a bit, her hands at her sides, and points one foot. Her head is up and her eyes are lowered.

13: moving toward her objective, taking short rapid steps, with her legs almost straight, her feet hardly leaving the floor. As she moves her back is straight, her head is turned to the left, and her arms are at her sides, her palms facing outward at a 45 degree angle to her body. Upon reaching her objective she drops gracefully to her knees and typically resumes the position of Nadu.

14: kneels at the Master's feet and leans her body back, sitting upon her heels, with her arms extended upward, crossed at the wrists, and her head beneath them lowered in supplication.

15: turns her head up to the Master, her lips pursed in a sensual kissing position. She remains motionless, her lips thusly puckered, and may not move until she is granted

16: stands and moves behind her Master, bending at the waist. She places her hands behind her and puts the side of her head to her Master's hip, that he might lead her easily by the hair or collar

17: standing with her feet flat on the floor, she bows gracefully at the waist, that her hair might fall forward for display, or to be shorn, seized, or used for any purpose

18: She turns and puts her back to her Master, her chin up, her head turned to the left so a leash may be attached to her collar, with her chin up and her back and shoulders straight. Her wrists are extended behind her, side by side

19: falls to the floor upon all fours, and lowers her head to the ground, with her buttocks thrust upward and her thighs widely spread, exposing her hindquarters fully

20: assumes a face down position, head is turned to the left, arms at her sides with the palms turned up, and legs are parted widely.

21: the slave kneels, her ankles crossed, and sits upon her heels with her back and shoulders straight, her chest out, belly in, and her head up, though she averts her eyes to the floor. Her thighs are open, widely spread, her hands rest upon her thighs palms upward.

22: kneels then bends forward and places her elbows on the floor, hands are locked on forearms, knees are parted and used to adjust height until her back is level, and her head is held up.

23: the slave kneels, her ankles crossed, and sits upon her heels with her back and shoulders straight, her chest out, belly in, and her head up, though she averts her eyes to the floor. Her thighs are closed her hands rest upon her thighs palms down.

24: lays upon her back, her hands at her sides, palms upward, her legs widely spread with her hips elevated off the floor

25: lifting the head back as high and as far as it can go.

26: laying upon her back with knees bent and feet flat upon the floor at her Master's feet.

27: step to your Master's left heel and prepare to follow

28: at the snap of the fingers move swiftly towards the Master and once in the spot before them kneel in nadu.

29: rest obediently in the crook of the Master's left arm