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My Poetry
Wednesday, 19 January 2005
Two different people
We are two different people,
living in two different worlds.
We are different in so many ways,
and yet so much alike.
How we are attracted to each other,
I do not know.
For all I do know is we are different people
brought together to be one.
I'll never know,
how it all started.
I'll only know,
that my love for you is true.

Posted by moon2/ldaulphin0 at 5:21 AM
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Dedicated to my Mother Shelley
She is so beautiful,
in every way.
She seems to know,
when somethings not right.
The way she looks at me,
with Motherly love.
The way she smiles,
so pure and true.
She knows what to say,
and when to say it.
She is always there,
to comfort me.
She is my Mother,
and forever she will always be.

Posted by moon2/ldaulphin0 at 5:20 AM
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Looking out the window
As I sit here, looking out my window,
snow is blowing, wind seeking in.
I cant help but think,
is there really life beyond this window?
I only know one thing for sure,
there is life, and a world for me.
And in that world, I know,
you are there, waiting.
You are there,
arms open wide, greeting me.
Accepting our differences,
and who I've become,
inside and out.

Posted by moon2/ldaulphin0 at 5:20 AM
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Hearts of glass
to all those who knows how it feels to have your heartbroken
We all have harts of glass,
easy to break.
If you take this heart of mine,
be careful with it,
there's too many cracks.
For all I have been through,
all the pain I had,
it is very fragile,
So if you take it,
take it gently,
take care of it.
It is fragile,
too many cracks.
This heart of mine,
is made of fine glass,
that can shatter anytime.

Posted by moon2/ldaulphin0 at 5:20 AM
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Dedicated to my Grandma and Alicia Rodrigues who both pasted away
What was it you had say?
Why did you have to leave?
Each simple little memory we shared
Passes us by so slow.
I am shocked by the news
Not wanting to accept
The truth that you are gone
Your life taken without a threat
This morning you awoke
To face a brand new day
Though the grave cry for the lost
In the settling of the dust
They failed to shake our foundation
In God I put my trust.

Posted by moon2/ldaulphin0 at 5:20 AM
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I never knew
dedicated for my Grandma who was and is my idol in life.
I never knew you,
like I should have.
I never thought,
you would leave.
It never came to realization.
Now that you're not here,
I feel so alone.
There are somethings I can't do,
with out you here,
by myside.
You went to a better place,
where love is all that matters.
I know someday,
I'll see you again.
I never knew,
how hard it'd be though,
without you by my side.
I do know though,
that I love you and
I'll see you someday in Heaven!

Posted by moon2/ldaulphin0 at 5:20 AM
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I am alone,
in this dark and cold world.
No one there to share my hopes and dreams,
no one there, except for me.
I can not talk,
for no one will understand,
how it feels,to be alone.
It is cold here,
in this world of mine, that I posess.
Doesnt anyone know?
How it feels to be alone?
I do not know,
when there will be another one.
Another one who will understand.
Another one,
I can share my hopes and dreams.
Another one, I can talk to.
Does anyone hear me?
In this dark and cold world of mine.

Posted by moon2/ldaulphin0 at 5:19 AM
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My love, My life
Dedicated to my boyfriend, Stuart, whom I love with all of my heart.
It's been so hard lately,
being away from you,
for what seems an eternity.
I didn't know that love can be so strong,
once it has a hold on you.
Once love is there,
it's hold is so warm,
so inviting.
I want to be with you,
for the rest of my life.
I want to wake up,
to your sweet smile,
to your loving caresses.
Love has it's hold on us,
and I never want it to let go.
It feels so right,
being with you.
For you are my love,
for you are my life.

Posted by moon2/ldaulphin0 at 5:19 AM
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You fought in war,
you are a survivor.
You are wise,
you are a survivor.
You have always been there,
showing that you care.
You are my Grandpa,
I am proud to say.
You have showed me,
how to trust.
You showed me,
you can't go through life,
being afraid.
You are like a father,
someone I admire and look up to.
Thank you,
for being you!

Posted by moon2/ldaulphin0 at 5:19 AM
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I am alone,
in this dark and cold world.
No one there to share my hopes and dreams,
no one there, except for me.
I can not talk,
for no one will understand,
how it feels,to be alone.
It is cold here,
in this world of mine, that I posess.
Doesnt anyone know?
How it feels to be alone?
I do not know,
when there will be another one.
Another one who will understand.
Another one,
I can share my hopes and dreams.
Another one, I can talk to.
Does anyone hear me?
In this dark and cold world of mine.

Posted by moon2/ldaulphin0 at 5:18 AM
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Don't look back
Don't think about it,
there has been too much hurt,
too much pain.
I never want to look back,
to those days when we were children.
Our time will come,
when we will heal,
from all the pain with in.
I never want to go back,
never want to look back.
It hurt so much and still does,
when they called me all those names.
Don't look back,
look in front of you and see,
what the future has in store.
The future looks brighter,
the past a storm brewing.
Wake me up when the storm passes,
for all I want is the future where days are brighter, my days happier.
So don't look back!

Posted by moon2/ldaulphin0 at 5:16 AM
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