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Wynad estate


Wynard's has earned the distinction of being Canada’s number one specialty coffee retailer for more than twenty years by remaining committed to two important founding principles. We grow our coffee in the lush mountains of Kerala which provides the perfect conditions for growing coffee. It is cultivated in the shade of trees because direct sunlight is detrimental to its quality and growth. The forest conditions in and around the coffee plantations accomodates the wildlife harmoniously in the eco system. Coffee cultivations supplimenting afforestation programs offer some solace in retaining greenery in a rapidly industrialised world. Most of the coffee grown by the small farmers is organic though not certified organic. They are averse to applying inorganic fertilizers in their farming systems. In the larger estates inorganic fertilizers are applied only if it is essential as per the soil test conditions Insecticides and fungisides are rarely used. Many of the growers have planted fungi resistant plants and thus avoided the use of synthetic chemicals. Coffee beans are handpicked and sundried without making use of scarcely available non renewable energy sources.
Wynard's offers the most unique categories of coffee origins and blends providing an unmatched coffee experience
We also purchase coffee with fair trade terms from select neighboring farms that agree with and use our environmentally friendly farming methods. All of our coffee is hand-picked and dried naturally in the sun. We follow the process from seed to roasting, maintaining our criteria for excellence all the way.
Our mission is to provide a superior coffee while contributing to the quality of life of the local people and to preserve the environment for future generations. Coffee is not just a business for us. It's a way of life.