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This is the beginning of us. We have been given this day to use as we will.
we can waste it or use it for good. What we do today is important because
we are exchanging a day of our life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever;
in its place is something that we have left behind..
Spend every second of every day together as a moment that could never be replaced..
Since you came into my life, I�ve been so happy. I feel like we were made to love,
listen, understand, and work through all times in our lives together and individually..
I feel that we have shared more time together than we ever will
and I know there are many more special occasions and moments
in our lives that will surprise and bring us closer...
As long as we have the memories, yesterday remains..
As long as we have hope, tomorrow await..As long as we are still in love,
each day is never a waste and the waiting will prove to be worthwhile :)

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Mommy & Baby Kayla
She's the reason the make the world go round and round

Kayla & Cousin Norman Hawj...Babies day out

Taken April 2008


GOD Created...
"When I made woman, I decided she had to be special.I made her shoulders
strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet, made her arms
gentle enough to give comfort..I gave her the inner strength to endure
child birth and there jection that many times will come even
from her own children. I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep
going and take care of her family andfriends, even when everyone else
gives up; through sickness and fatigue without complaining...I gave
herthese insipidities to love her children under any and all
circumstances. Even when her child has hurt her badly...She has the
very special power to makea child�s boo-boo feel better and to quell a
teenager�s anxieties and fears...I gave her strength to care for her
husband, despite faults and If as honed her from his rib to
protect this heart.. I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband
never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve
to stand beside him unfalteringly.. For all of this hard
work, I also gaveher tear. It is hers to use whenever needed and! It
is her only weakness...When you see her cry, tell her how much you
love her, and all she does for everyone, and even thoughshe may still
cry, you will have made her heart feel good. She is special! Each day
is a mountain that must be climbed; with courage each step
gets easier.. Love your Mother Always and Keep Her Smile..

**When We Risk It All**
We can�t blame others when love dwindle away
For we knew from the start it never promised to stay
It�s just one of those things where the stakes are high
And sometimes it�s forever and sometimes its goodbye
When you love the right way you never lose
No matter what path life may force you to choose
You may end up with tears or a broken heart
But you knew what you signed up for from the start
You can only give what you�ve got to give
And is that�s not enough then you must continue to live
Life will go on and broken hearts will heal
You must continue on your qwest for that�s the deal
Throw your heart into life and never stall
For the greatest risk is to risk nothing at all
You see love is the only thing that we know
That can be divided and divided but continues to grow
And life isn�t long enough to lock away our heart
Just because life may have forced two people apart
We will continue to love and continue to lose
We will continue to pick and continue to choose
And then one day we will just risk it all
Take the chains off our hearts and dismantle the wall
The last time we love will be the forever
And never again will our hearts be forced to sever
We�ll never have doubts that it�ll go away
Because this time it�ll be here to stay
But until then we must endure all the pain
For we only see sunshine
if we can wait through the rain