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Je t'aime, Je t'adore
Saturday, 31 July 2004
Sorry i havent updated i really suck at that owell but yeah shawn came back he still likes me i told him were only friends and that i like curtis and hes pissed at me big time :( owell i cant do nothing bout it i went over to his house a few days ago and he wouldnt say anything to me so i started hanging out with zack and we were wrestleing and crap it was fun he tried to turn my dog gay with his noo lol that was wrong his little sister told his mom when she got home puppys a lezbo hahaha lmao but yeah after that i had to go school shopping i always get nausious when i school shop i hate school so much its so annoying only 9days till school eh gawd i wish i was a senior like shawn eddie and zack there lucky bishs. well yesterday zack took us to the movies we wer racing there it was so fun zacks car is so pimp he has red lights under them and eddie just got a sound system installed anyways we saw the bourne supremacy it was prettie good me and zack had ice wars the whole time.then we took zack home and he didnt wanna leave lol eddie kept trying to run him over it was hella funnie but he ended up comin back over cause he had to get clothes for the funeral cause eddies and zacks friend michael died in a car wreck it was sad he had a fiance' :'( but yeah zack doesnt like to talk about it well thats bout it ohyeah curtis is gunna come see me in bout 2weeks it should be awesome i<333 him i fell asleep today and i just woke up im soo pathetic lol i need to start getting sleep cause i was suppose to go to the movies with sasha and knowles grr...owell idk i was suppose to go to a street race tonight but i missed that too damn! im nevar gunna sleep lol. well g2g ttyl bye love.


Posted by moon2/iwuvwoo at 3:38 PM
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Wednesday, 14 July 2004
Life's a BEACH!
yesterday was kinda kool ashlie came down from florida she picked me up and we went to the mall and were shopping for a birthday gift for tasha we went into spencers and were gunna buy her the smallest vibrater haha and we went to buy her it and the clerk lady goes im not gunna sale yall this cuz yall look no older than 13! i said im 15 bitch!! lol and we left grrr... pisses me off so we bought her some sexy lingerie anyways we went and ate cajun chicken it was gOOd then we ran into chris (from skool he likes me but hes only my friend) and we hung out with him and ate icecream then we left it was raining so hard she got to come over my place and we left again to go to my dads eddie was bein sucha douche so we went over there and ate chicken and they rented movies but me and ashlie got bored so we egged to houses haha it was hella fun then we took her home i cried cuz thats the last time im gunna see her till next summer me and my mom got into a fight when i got home cuz she heard me mummble bitch cuz she was actin like one then i got mad and fell asleep and woke up like an hour later and got online.

Today-was okay im glad my daddy's outta the hospital now i didnt do anything all day i found out ashlie hasnt left yet not till tomorrow morning shes giving me my fish back and her gerbils and all of the furniture in her place so thats sweet i just dont want her to go :( well then i went to my daddy's around 9pm and we ate pizza and hung out and stephen called me(stephens my best boy as a friend and he likes me) we talked 4ever he asked me out but i told him i like him more as a friend then i had to go cause we ended up going to the beach my mom and dad have been getting along so much now they could get back together i wish so bad! well william told me that his cat got ran over by some A-hole and drove off i felt so bad i coudlnt stop thinkin bout it cause i know how it is when someone poisened my dog i cried so hard i want so bad to be there for him but theres nothing i can do i just feel helpless and sad and angry at the same time its a wierd feeling i feel so bad :'( thats bout it except for the cable guy telling my mom she could be a porn star! WTF WHAT A FREAK!!!!!!!! she might sue comcast idk well thats bout it ttyl lovies-K*r*iSt*y

R.I.P "Nigel" (william's cat)

Posted by moon2/iwuvwoo at 6:42 PM
Updated: Wednesday, 14 July 2004 6:45 PM
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Friday, 9 July 2004
im sucha dork im home on a friday nite thats soo gay err.. jillian ended up going to Dolphin Island wit her dad and tasha and me were prank callin people all day it was hella funnie we called the little jerk brian up and were sayin shit like dominos pizza and he was like i got caller id tasha! and i started laughin and he goes who else is on the fone?kristina? she was like yeah and he hung up then brian called her back so she beeped over and he was like stop fuckin prank callin me u and kristina and ray was on the fone too and goes tell kristina i said hey sexy! i was like eww hell naw lol she was like hes hott i was like no hes not!*puke* but yeh i actually woke up early today 10am lol and then i took a bubble bath fun lol then i got online and justin imed me cuz i had this funnie away message on and was like damn it i thought i culd really see u naked!! haha he's hella funnie then i watched tv and talked to ashlie i got so friggin bored i cleaned my room wow! u can see the floor haha but yeah eddie went lookin 4 a new car today hes gunna get this hella kewl black car i love it cant wait! he went tov work at 5pm and when he got off i had to beg him to bring me a bake potatoe lol woohoo i won it was yummie well thats prettie much it im so boring i know right now im talkin to the hott william telling him bout that gay girl stalkin me lol freaky well hes one sexy biotch but yeah as u can see nothings new?! im gunna go later de-lovely=Kristy

Posted by moon2/iwuvwoo at 5:24 PM
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Thursday, 8 July 2004
i miss my daddy! :( gawd it sux that he's in the hosptial lately my moms been getting on my last nerves grr... shes been pissin me off and i just want so bad to go to my dads but now i cant!! and it sux ass he suppose to get out monday i hope so.jillian and me got into a fight yesterday because it seems like sometimes she just wants to come over cause she knows jeremys here but idk jillian said she doesnt and why would she do that if im her best friend i talked to ashlie about it and she agreed with jillo well we stoped fightin i hate when we fight its so gay! but yah yesterday tasha told me this girl cassie was talkin shit behind my back sayin i didnt quit VE i was fired bullchit and said i looked like a slut cause one time she saw me and my thong was showin well damn aint i the center of her attention i didnt do chit to that fattie ok not like i let my underwear show and all hang out that was an accident and she really doesnt kno me at all so how can she judge me i dont really give a fuc but seems like tasha likes to fuel friggin arguements like between me and ashlie i dont kno im just gunna not hang out with her as much as we use too well ne-ways eddie went to zachs house yesterday and i was at jillians so i walked over there and damn..zachs changed he no longer had his ghetto truck its nice now and now he's actually cute but yeah he was like shawn's(my ex-bf) comin back down here in a week or 2 i cant say that im not happy cause shawn was like my best friend he was like my other have and i absoultely love him but i dont know how to react i havent seen him in like a year i doubt will get back together and thats prolly for the best riight now im bored as hell and my moms bein a jerk she wont take me to DQ to get one of those moolates lol im addicted to those biotchs i talked to william he's hella funnie i got like a crush on chewbacca lol i dont kno if he likes me but were just friends he's kewl i love that new song from maroon 5 "she will be loved" that song rox! well im bored so now im gunna go call eddie and beg him to take me to DQ haha im bad later love the one and only,

P.s i got my moolatte' eddie ended up bringing me damn gotta love that kid lol were actually getting along now suprise we dont fight as much anymore and that rox just now i have to put up with brad bugging me he's singing that afroman cuz i got high song haha thats messed up!

Posted by moon2/iwuvwoo at 2:40 PM
Updated: Thursday, 8 July 2004 8:15 PM
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Thursday, 1 July 2004
*Coyote Ugly*
Well today was prettie boring we went to see my cousin Lolly and Michelle's new house gawd i miss them then we went to my uncle nassar's to eat KFC yummie lol then i got bored so i watched Coyote Ugly that was good and the boi in that movie was hott i was gunna watch the sweetest thing but ive already seen it like a million times but i love that movie i called jillian cuz she was suppose to come over but she didnt cuz her parents were being douches but i asked her if she was coming over tomorrow and she said maybe cuz jeremy mite come over gawd that pissed me off all they do is breakup to makeup but ehh i was like w/e and that was it eddie my brother was bein a total jerk tonight!when i got home i got online and talked to william he's a sweetie not to mention hott as hell i mean damn...*sigh* but yeah tasha called me earlier and she wants to go to the movies tomorrow but i dont know yet i might i wanna see spiderman2.

Posted by moon2/iwuvwoo at 9:41 PM
Updated: Thursday, 1 July 2004 9:51 PM
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