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♥`~Lucky Kyo Kat ~`♥

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I <3 Sohma Kyo I <3 Sohma Hatsuharu My Dollz!! Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] This egg hatches on January 7, 2006! Adopt one today! Get your blinkie from Elements Graphics! This egg hatches on February 1, 2006! Adopt one today! This egg hatches on February 1, 2006! Adopt one today! Get your blinkie from Elements Graphics! Get your blinkie from Elements Graphics! Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] !!!! My INUYASHA DOLLZ !!!! Isn't he the cutest thing ever! He's even cuter as a human! Wow-he's-Cute"!" HOTTY-alert-OW-OW!" Seshomaru!"
I got this Ninja Bubs

I got this Hello Kitty Bubs

I got this Lion Bubs

I got this Panda Bubs

I got this Yellow Ranger Bubs

I got this InuYasha Bubs

I got this Naruto Bubs

I got this Kanako Bubs

I got this Gir Bubs

I got this Edward Elric Bubs

I got this Aang Bubs

I got this Donatello Bubs

I got this Bubs

I got this Link Bubs

I got this Toaster Bubs

I got this Star Bubs

I got this Cupcake Bubs

I got this Pudding Cup Bubs

I got this Gum Drop Bubs

I got this Bread Bubs

I got this Bubs
Visit Quizilla! Hinata

Which Naruto character do you fight like?(pics)
brought to you by Quizilla sango
Your Sango! When your not on the field training or
doing sports you are shy and quiet, you do your
homework and always turn it in on time, yet you
are always looking for a bit more from life.

What Inuyasha Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Ichigo
What character from Tokyo Mew Mew are you?! (Pictures)

brought to you by Quizilla momiji
You're Momiji - the rabbit!

Which Fruits Basket Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla jpg
Your Miroku!!! yayyy! (hes hott) ehhehemmm... Your
a huge flirt and would often just walk up to
people and start talking to them. You never get
too attatched because you never expect them to
be there in the long run although your saving
your heart for someone special. Your very
outgoing and a fun person to be around (when
your not flirting with them)

what inuyasha charcter are you? (cute pics)
brought to you by Quizilla jpg
Your season is.... WINTER You love catching up with
friends and family and enjoying yourself. You
love the snow and the smell of winter air. I
imagine you being the cuddly type of person and
someone who just likes to hang out!

What is your season (w/pics)
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Your Koga From Inuyasha! He's Rough around the
edges But once he Claims His Women he's a
little teddy bear! he's such a Cutie!

Wich Anime Guy Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x8b20260)
Your Hinata!

Wich Anime Girl Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x861a0c0)
Your Autum!

What Season Are You?
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Your The Dark Dragon!

What Kind Of Dragon Are You?
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Your a Good Friend! Thats Super To Know I bet Your
Friend is Really Happy your Friends!=^-^=

Are You a Good or Bad Friend?
brought to you by Quizilla Hot Hot Hot!
Witch totally hot Fruits Basket Guy are you?

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Tohru Honda
You are Tohru Honda. You are a great friend and are
very caring and understanding. Your warm,
loving nature attracts people and they often
seek you for advice and help. Sometimes you are
a bit ditzy and careless, but that's what makes
you special.

Which Fruits Basket Girl Are You? (New results and questions)
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Your Naruto Life ♥ (Your Naruto looks, boyfriend, and the chracters opinions on you!)

THATS YOU! ^^^^Your Boyfriend is KIBA!Element: WaterWords to describe you: quiet, happy, peaceful, animal lover(duh)How you met!: You were walking down a path in the forest when Akamaru runs up to you and barks. "Hey, you!" you said, as you picked him up and twirled him. Suddenly Kiba runs up out of breath from behind you. "Hey Kiba!" you say and try not to blush. You hand him Akamaru. "Hey, and thanks!" "No problem." You smile. "Hey, uh, do you want to take a walk with me?" Now you ARE blushing. "Sure!" So you two are just walking along, with Akamaru tagging along, talking. Suddenly Kiba looks around. "Kiba? What are you, uh-" he cuts you off and puts a finger to your lips. He blushes and kisses you. =)AWWW!GIRLS♥:Temari: All I can say is that shes very nice...A little too nice if you ask me.Sakura: Shes totally cool! Shes really nice. We talk alot. Ino: Shes pretty nice. Really quiet though.Hinata: We're close friends. Shes so nice to everyone. But when she fights, she definatly dosent hold back!Ten-Ten: she seems nice...shes REALLY quiet thoughBOYS♥:Naruto: Shes kind-of like Hinata, except she dosent go easy when shes fighting! I wonder if she likes Ramen....Saskue: She trains alot, and is always hanging out either with Kiba, or in the forest with animals. Shes a little...wierd...*Kiba glares* *Saskue glares back*Neji: Eh, we talk alot. Shes really quiet though. Not like Kiba. Hes kind-of bossy and overbearing.Shikimaru: I think shes pretty... *turns away to hide blushing*Gaara: ...dont care...Lee: shes...*blushes*....cuteKiba: Oh, I love her! Shes beautiful, and sweet, and kind, and *other guys turn and glare to shut him up* Heh, i really love her, i guess! Akamaru approves too.PEOPLE♥:Kakashi: Shes very quiet, but also very good in battle.3rd Hokage: Kind, and talented. A wonderful addition to our village.Itachi: *scoffs* shes too nice. she lacks hatred.
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What Personality Do You Have?
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