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Ok...welcome to ProJeCt w-FL!!!he he...the name is a mixture of Hello!Project and w-FL...I couldn't really decide if I should make a Hello!Project site...or a w-FL site...and then I just decided to put the two in one site!This site is really new...and this is also the first site I I hope you forgive me if its kinda crappy...lolz...Anyway,I'll be updating it from time to time,and I'll try my best to make the site look better!he he...anyway,I hope you enjoy my site!(^_^)v

w-FL~~~WhIcH gRoUp i lIKe bEsT...

My Favorite Web Sites

tHe w-FL FoRuMs!!!
MakE nEw FrIeNdS hErE!!!
J-pOp fOrUms!!!
#1 sToP fOr K-pOP!!!