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Heavy Talk With Jack Waite

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Thank you for Joining us Live From Detroit For our first Show we have guest stars
Whoopie Goldberg-Actress Chris Matthews-MSNBC Talk Show Host

1. Ms.Goldberg What was your reaction to the Slim-fast controversy?
"It saddens me that people who were not present at the fund-raiser, including anyone from Slim-Fast and others who have not seen the material for themselves but are only reacting to soundbites produced by the media, have opted to judge my 'conduct,' " Goldberg's statement said. "I've done material on every president in the past 20 years, from Reagan to Carter, from Clinton to Bush. I have used portions of the material I did at the fund-raiser in shows, speeches and even on national television and it seems now that people from the other side are using this to further their own agenda," her statement continued.
2. Mr. Matthews What do you say about the book "TREASON"?
Well, should they be prosecuted? Should anybody in the party be prosecuted either today, or should have been prosecuted in the past? I mean, it’s a criminal charge of treason. Should anybody be charged with it?
Sub Zero Speaks out
"When Mortal Kombat 2 was released for the SNES it gave the user the option of "turning off" the appearance of blood and gore. The fatality moves were included, but so were several non-violent finishing moves, such as the "friendship" moves in which instead of executing your opponent you could give him a present or do a little dance."
Martin Sheen- Actor/Activist Also Bono on the Aids Crisis
Thoughts From Martin Sheen on Political Parties
The key word about The West Wing is show. It is not a reality show. It has nothing to do with reality. We have a phrase we use sometimes: "Present issues of great importance," and hope this will cause some measure of public debate, because the issues are so important. But we don't advocate it, we can't be sure it is going to happen, and most of the time we don't even know what effect the show is going to have, if any. But sometimes we ring a bell, and you can't unring a bell. Sometimes we can bring an issue to the forefront and just mention it, and by just mentioning it, whether it is global warming or women's rights, or the environment, we bring attention to it. What we try to say is that it doesn't matter if you are a Republican or a Democrat or conservative or independent. You are equally responsible for your place in the culture, and you must make a contribution, and you must accept responsibility for what goes down on your watch. You have no excuse if you are a conservative not to be concerned about the environment. You are equally responsible. Future generations are not going to ask us what political party were you in. They are going to ask what did you do about it, when you knew the glaciers were melting. On the show, we are not trying to get people to eat their vegetables; we are not trying to get people to become Democrats. We are basically trying to encourage people to get involved with public life so that politics isn't left to the wealthy and privileged.
Bono's statement to Oprah oon the Aids Disease in Africa
"You can't talk about water enough. It's the thing that we in this country take the most for granted," says Oprah. Bono adds that making clean water available to Africans is a relatively simple action that will produce great change. "Women [in Africa] are walking sometimes 10 miles a day to bring water,If everyone gets together, this idea of bringing water to Africa is not far-fetched. It's possible, and we can do it right now. I tell you, it will revolutionize that continent."
Warren Beatty- Actor
"I'm an actor and I make movies, and every once in a while I make a speech," he explained. "I'm a person who thinks we're going to have to do something sooner rather than later about things like health care and campaign finance, and I think this is the way to do it."
Ron Silver-Actor/Co founder of Creative coalition Speaks out
"If we don't get this right, all the other things don't matter worth a hill of beans. I'll live to fight another day on health care, environmental concerns and sensible gun legislation. But this is such a predominant issue that it towers above all others, and I'm not certain both parties are capable of handling it the right way."
Joker coming under attack from Warner Studio
This feature-length movie should go a long way toward quieting [fan's] complaints. The secret behind [Joker's] arrival is perhaps the saddest, grimmest twist any purported "kids' show" has dared to attempt. (Parents may well want to preview this tape before screening it for the very young.) Once again, Warner Brothers' cartoon Batman has outshone all the live-action films.
Marwan Barghouti's surprise announcement that he plans to run for chairman of the Palestinian Authority sent shock waves throughout the PA leadership.
Tragedy and Prevention
I'm often hurt when I read about someones life who is taken by a gang affiliated shooting. But when red and blue is the color kids where they invite this violence on themselves. This is the kind of influence that America needs to stop. - JW
I would like to extend a special gratitude to the Harlem High School Drama for their hard work
