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This was me and two friends getting ready for the school's formal dance. Here we're just getting ready to head out the door.
And this was after the formal dance.  We all had a disappointing night.  (You can tell by the drinks in our hands.)



To the left: Sam and I making pizza!

The rest are all just random parties and get togethers.




This was Kamtchaka!!!

Kamtchaka was a party at my place that had been planned out for quite sometime.  It was a blast!  As soon as I find more pics of it, I'll scan them and post them here.



We drank and played risk, we played darts, we drank more.  We ran around outside in the snow (it was march break), we drank some more... yah, a lot of drinking.

The march break was pretty much just party after party that started with Kamtchaka.

The above is all the loose bottles we had the next morning.  That's not counting the bottles of vodka and rye or the cases we filled up with empty bottles.



These pics are from Summer fest 2004, when Sam and Ian shaved their heads (obviously ;-))





These are all pics from the frisbee tournament at Summer fest 2004 we had two teams, red (competitive) and blue (for fun). (and no, I wasn't playing that day.)


Top: from the frisbee tournament, 

Bottom: Just playing for fun in on the football field behind Mackenzie High School



To the left, me and Steeve, the awesomest base player ever, and the the right is Jamie, Steeve, me, and Scott (awesomest drum player, sorry Kyle, never heard you play) (in order). As soon as I get some pics of the band, I'll post them here.  




 These are random pics of Kyle, a recent friend (my fav. is the first one with the cat lol)


Just had to put pics of Kyle with short blond hair.... just so ... different




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