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Apples of Grenables




Welcome to my site! This is an RP site based on a story. I hope you will enjoy this site. Before you go any further than this you have to read this first...

The Apples of Grenables are magical fruits. Fruits of life, fruits of joy, fruits of love and fruits of hatred, death and anger. The utmost power of this magical fruit is indescribable for no man or woman has ever laid their lips upon this fruit for the apples are kept by Minette, the Goddess of Success. The Goddess is the sole keeper and giver of this fruit. Legend has it that there will be a time when young man a who is honest, brave and kind hearted seeks for his destiny and true love. Then there will be another young woman fair, beautiful and obedient who will ask the same question. They will become man and woman, the young woman shall bear a daughter she will be life giver to her race and will receive the fruit from the Goddess herself, for there will soon be terrible conflict, hatred, anger and war no man has ever seen. This of course may not be true but according to the ancient Orcale of Oratorca it will be so. Quote from the book of Magic and Prophecy by: Andre Angnosci

************** February 2nd 2 AD Naples

Winter has melted and Spring has blossomed like a flower in bloom. It is so wonderful here at Spring in my home town in Naples. The weather, the food.  So different from the horrible capital where it was always raining all day long she thought.

It makes me feel so heavy at heart when I see Maia and Scarlet going to the Academy. I had graduated from there at the end of the Winter, now there is nothing for me to do except to listen to Mama teaching about housework and how to rule over a household of over 280 slaves. Loretta has been avoiding me lately she rarely speaks to me. We used to be the best of friends but nowýI must ask her what is on her mind and why is she ingnoring me so?


Juliette gazed dazedly out into the open space of the Naples clear blue sky. She watched from her window, Scarlet and Maia linking arm and arm together going to Nilite's Academy. She knew she must stop thinking about wanting to got back again, for she had work of her own to do. She heard footsteps behind her. "Juli, you really must get back to work now. Since your father has died, we have been quite poor" "Yes, mama" replied Juli. Juli gave a polite curtsy to her mother as she met her gaze and left the sunshine for the comfort of the room. Juli's main task was to write letters, and then send them. Usually they were bill statements of just plain thank you letters. Juli's family were not destitute but then again they weren't rich but they have kept with them their dignity and status in society for they were well respected.


Then dear reader what you do is add on to the story. You can create new characters and the plot. Put what you have to do is work together to create what happens. You each have a character and you have to build them up and create your own atmosphere.