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Lucia The Goddess

Lucia, she is one of the many goddess that are out there in the world, or so she hopes. For many centurys, the gods and goddess's have looked after the planet earth, with there ruler Queen Galaxycia, they form a bond stronger like no other. The gods and goddess have strong hearts and pure souls, for with them they hold a secrect power, the power of healing and purification. With these powers they use them towerd good and forever will keep it that way until there final days. Lucia she is gifted with a special power, she is not like any of the other goddess, she is the princess of the goddess's and soon will be the ruler, she is gifted with one power that can even cost her life, thats why this power was forbiden from the gods and goddess, for they fear that lucia's life will be taken by this fearce power, its called heavens eye. Heavens eye is a purifaction power only roalty can behold. Heavens eye is so powerfull, that not even the most evilest heart cannot be purifyed, thats why this power may take lucia's very life if she uses it. For many years lucia's mother queen Galixcia has proteced her home and mother earth, using the power of the staff of truth, this staff is the main power of all gods and goddess, for if it should fall into evil's hand, the universe we know will be lost forever. Thats why queen Galixycia has protected it. MORE WILL COME SOON!!! O.o;

