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Welcome to my New Site,


A bit About Me,

I live in lincoln Lincolnshire UK,

I have done 2 years at college in Advanced Art and Design and 2 years in Hotel and Catering,During which I worked at a Sign making shop for 6 years designing with vynil for shop fascias and general sign work for the community and businesses' alike.

I now am a mother of one child named Jessica who is now 3 years old and am trying to start my own business in web site design,I am currently working with Macromedia Software to design with ritch media content an animation swf and fla files for websites and website pages for other people,

Here is my first Website I have Developed using Macromedia Software:- robertsauter tour buses

My Current Interests

Well it all started with watching Most Haunted on Living TV

If you ever would find a great Real Ghost Hunting Investigation on the tv, This is the best yet I think. If you go to the Most Haunted Green text Here you can find out when the Fantastic Programme is on, My friends and I are hooked to this, and even still enjoy watching the Repeats.

So this is when Getting my own Proof started to cross my mind, I f they can get it so can I.With previous experiences at my old house In lincoln near the Lincoln Castle and Cathedral, of:-

* Noises that were coming from Knowere, especially at night whilst laying in bed. They sounded so clear that it was as if the TV was still on in the lounge underneath our bed room.

* Sofa sinking when sat on it, as if there was someone joining you on it, but no one was there.

* Thing's Going missing. Believe this or not but my boyfriend was the witness...

One day my boyfriend got his helmet ready to put on to ride out on his bike and the keys were not in it, where he usually puts it, and asked the usual things and looked around the house like you would do, ''have you moved them?'' ... ''no, they are always in your helmet, even if I did find them, I would put them back were you like to keep them, in your helmet''.. we both said.

So we cleaned up the whole house top to bottom looking for these key's, the house was spotless, everything put back in its place, no mess.

3 days passed, and as you can imagine, my boyfriend was getting a bit mad about these keys, looking in the garden as well and still not finding them, 3 days had passed and he was thinking he may have to buy anew barrel for the bike which would be expensive. As he was just about to say that he is going to have to buy a new barrel (discussing in the kitchen, were we kept our helmets on a side) we both looked on the kitchen side from which we were leaning on and there they were! Placed on the side in such a manner that each key on the key ring were neatly placed on top of each other!, we both looked at each other as if one of us was playing a joke, but we were not, and both swore that we were not messing about. We both went really pimply and shivered. How weird it was, is that we both get shivers about it everytime we reminiss about our old house and what happened there.

* One day we had a lodger staying in our spare room, who is a very good friend of ours and a long term friend of my boyfriends, (He has a very interesting paranormal background which i will ask him to discuss about if he would not mind in this web site) He was in his room on his computer with the door open, I was moving some washing and was at the top of the long stairs in our old 'victorianish style' residence house that I am talking about here, and my boyfriend was walking down the stairs, It was a sunny day and I rule out any breeze as we checked this, and if windows were open etc..just before my boyfriend reached the bottom of the stairs the lodgers bedroom door slammed (it is a heavy duty door too, which is hard to close) and he was still sat at his computer, the loft door fell from above the stairs and just missed my boyfriend's head as he reached the bottom of the stairs and dinted the wall about an inch!, my boyfriend froze and my lodger ran out of his room to see what happened ... we all stood there froze and was very shocked with what had happened.

* In my Bedroom my boyfriend and I was laying in bed in the dark trying to to get to sleep, and we could see bright stars like, on the ceiling, very strange as we have never seen anything like it.

* One evening whilst asleep in this same room with the stars I mentioned above, My Boyfriend woke me up, I was very sleepy and hardly woken up, he pointed at the window which the curtains were not closed and said do you see that! It was a red light as if it was someone out side shining it through the window, but we were on the third floor of the house and facing the garden from which at the bottom of the garden is a wall and from there drops the size of a house to another lot of gardens belonging to a load of other residents (looks like we are on a hill kind of thing, which we were)and after this I fell back to sleep really quickly.

In the morning my boyfriend mentioned that night and and said if i remembered it or not , and I said yes, so to prove it to each other that we both saw what we saw he asked me to draw a drawing which he would draw as well what we saw.And of course we both did an exact drawing from which we saw that night, spooky! the light was so bright and so weird.

From all this we moved to my house I am in now.

Nothing strange has happened here apart from really cold spots as if the heating had not been on when the heating is on full in the winter and on cold nights, It also has double glazing, this rules out my draft as we are conscious about our heating bill so we always shut the door and windows properly.

Also I get paranoid experiences sometimes out of the blue, like something/one watching me or someone passing the door as if going up the stairs but every body is in bed and I am watching tv still.

I was very interested in the paranormal for a long time as my nan and grandad were spiritualists and always went to spiritualist churches.

The Cream Cakes

I asked my nan who goes to the spiritual churches regularly if she ever had grandad come through, who was her spiritualist husband who died of a heart attack bypass, that was only just being experimented with in those days. She said '' oh yes!, we always said to each other that if one of us passes first then that person will try to come through at the spiritualist church which the other person would be sat''.. I said ''well what happened?'' nan said ''well the story behind this is that I never liked him going to the pub all day and coming back drunk, as he made no sense and always wound me up by going to the pub all day and coming back drunk, but with a plate of my favorite cream cakes, knowing full well I couldn't resist them and that I was on a diet and knowing I would gobble them up,and of course this would make me happy and we both used to laugh about it ( a bit of a family joke between all those who were in the pub with him sometimes, buying him drinks)...I was at a spiritual church sitting and the medium said 'there is a man here with a full face beard and glasses, quite chubby, likes his food, and I don't mean to sound mad but he is holding a plate of cream cakes and laughing' I acknowledged that this must have been him, as this was our little joke'' and there have been many locations that he has come through for her.


You can find this amazing site here world ITC World ITC here is one amazing site to look at that has a World Group of Experimenters and Scientists who have Investigated with Results about all Kinds of amazing Technology's that are used to actually see and here passed spirits/beings in the after life, methods of things called:-

* Instrumental Trans communication (ITC)

Instrumental Trans communication (ITC) means that the messages coming from beyond will be received and/or stored by use of technical means.

ITC is the use of tape recorder, TVs, radios, computers, telephones, and other technical devices with the intent to get meaningful information from beyond in such forms as voices, images, and text.

EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) experimenting produced the first ITC contacts using a tape recorder and a simple microphone. Later on there occurred ITC contacts via telephone, computer, fax, special devices and so on.

The big advantage of ITC is the possibility to prove to others that something uncommon takes place. Not only the receiver of the messages, for example the medium, but also others could become a witness of these contacts. Almost everybody who is really interested in that phenomenon can get and with persistence will get EVP. 


* Germanium diode.

  Konstantin Raudive himself devised a way to improve EVP voices with a germanium diode instead of a microphone connected to the audio input of a standard tape recorder. Many researchers still use the technique today with good results. They solder a 1N914 germanium diode (available from Radio Shack) to a jack, or male plug, that will fit the microphone input of their tape recorder. They plug this diode-equipped jack into the recorder, turn the volume up all the way, and start recording. With this setup, the recorder will sometimes capture spirit voices, but no human voices nor other normal sounds in the room. A fascinating technique that separates the men from the…well, from the spirits.

* Radios.

Instead of a single radio, you can use several radios, or some other noise source altogether, such as running water. I've had best results using two or three radios with one of them tuned to a distant station with foreign language broadcasts, or even better, several overlapping foreign broadcasts coming through the same radio.  Sonia Rinaldi in Brazil made an audiocassette of many jumbled voices overwritten upon each other, and used that tape as a sound source. In any case, spirit beings seem to find it easier to create their voice from existing voice fragments than to fashion one out of blank white noise. Foreign-language broadcasts make it easier to distinguish between the radio noises and possible spirit voices you receive in your language.

*Tape recorders

Some people claim to get better results with a reel-to-reel tape recorder than with the more common cassette recorder, which I use. On cassette recorders it's good to have a "cue" or "review" function so that while the recorder is in "play" mode you can press down a bit on the "reverse" or "fast forward" button to move quickly a few inches backward or forward on the tape, then resume playing simply by releasing the "reverse" or "fast forward" button. You can include a mixer in the setup along with a second microphone for your voice.


Some voice experimenters today are using computers with attached microphones instead of tape recorders. Advantages of the computer include clarity of the voices, immediate playback, reproduction without loss of quality, and easy transportability of sound files to the internet. The drawback of computers is the fact that voice files take up a lot of memory, so each session must be kept short (a few seconds, or at most a few minutes in duration).

*Mini disc recorders

Lately I've started using a mini disc recorder instead of a tape recorder. Like computers, mini disc recorders register sound in digital format (breaking down the analog signals into tiny bits of information). The advantages of the mini disc recorder over tape recorders include most of the computer's advantages. Plus, a stereo input allows the use of two microphones, one near the radios and the other dedicated to the voice of the experimenters. Additionally, each mini disc holds 74 minutes of data, so sessions can be quite long.

this WORLD ITC Section was taken from the site and put here, all credits to WORLD ITC

And from Here If you want to know about my Current experiments and etc, Please Browse via this web site's buttons to were you want.

All thanks to those here who are viewing. And to those who have Passed. I hope that from here and to the Future We can get more people Experimenting there selves with these Fantastically Found Communication with the deseased Persons and Prove to the world that they are here and there is Life After (so called) Death.

Before ANYBODY Experiments with EVP Please consider the How to Avoid The Negative Energies Part Under EVP section on this site, Again thanks to World ITC For all Of this Information and help in Our Experiment s..

...Including, Mark Macy who has helped me on my first evp, given advise that was very much appreciated and Listened to with great Respect, And Also Rolf-Dietmar Ehrhardt who also helped me if finding out how to work with my results with EVP.
