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Mystical Manor

"There is no 'Light' , there is no 'Dark' , we are all simply in the  'Grey'."
Webmistress: Ciara Melima Demens

Ciao, mis amigos!

Anyway, as you might have guessed, i am the web mistress, Ciara, as you might have also guessed, that is not really my name, it is simply a pseudonym.

Anyway, if anybody would like to put ANYTHING  on my page, feel free to contact me at, or if that doesn't work, try Noel_Ariana_Black (wouldn't reccomend it though)

Anyway, if you're here you may be wondering, what this page is about, well it is mainly HP fanfiction, i accept any story-line.   

Also, some tips:

1. Okay, please, please, always check your sources, it's not fair to plagiarize, and i will not tolerate it if i get word that you are

2. Always, make sure you have a disclaimer to J.K. Rowling, i won't put it on my site if you don't!

3. When writing a story with a complicated plot, always do research!

4. Try not to make any of your original characters Mary-sue/Gary stu! Please, unless it is very, and i mean VERY relevant to the story!

5. I LOVE original characters, i have a lot of them myself, but DO try to have a time where there are atleast some canon characters (unless it is relevant to the plot).  There are several settings, like the founders time, the marauders time, the present harry time, in the future...etc....  The place can be anywhere as long as if it's like underwater, or in outer space, you have a valid reason.

You don't have to follow any of this, (except for the standard disclaimer part!) but i would be honored if you considered it.

Also, before i put anything on this site, i want it beta-ed either by me (i'd be honored) or by anyone else you trust to be honest.

Now, for the stories:

Some of the Best sites on the web for fanfics!

Some of my Fic's and hopefully soon, by others as well!