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More of Carrie's Pictures

Here are some more pictures.

On the left is Brandon, and on the right is Blakely. They are two of my friends that are in band. Brandon's funny cause when he sleeps on the bus, if you poke him or barely touch his arm, he twitches like crazy. It's quite amusing. As for Blakely, he's a nut! He wants to build a pirate ship, a crossbow, a tazer, some kind of fighting pit with a bridge over it... Those kinds of things. So far, he hasn't done anything, but hopefully he'll make /something/ one day!

This is Blakely and me. We took the picture at the Band Banquet, and my face is all red because I cried lots.

This pic is still at the Banquet. It's of Blakely, David, and me.