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Monday, March 14, 2005

Mood:  hug me

Yeah today was bad wasn't it? Talk about sucky.

Oh and I took my dogs for a walk today and Koda peed on my leg.

If God is always with me, why do I feel so alone?...

Posted by moon2/brokentears at 6:05 PM EST
Updated: Monday, March 14, 2005 6:09 PM EST
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Saturday, March 5, 2005

Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: 1000 Miles - Vanessa Carlton

This song always reminds me of the movie "White Chicks" lmao that was an awesome movie.

Well, peeps are coming over today so I gotta go.

I still need you...

Posted by moon2/brokentears at 1:44 PM EST
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Saturday, February 26, 2005

Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Basic Thugonomics - John Cena (he's so fine)

Went to see WWE Smackdown at the Palace. It was crazy.

Okay, first, the poster. Yes, we made a John Cena poster. It said "John Cena is a HOTT SEXY BEAST!" lmao. We were going for unique. Anyways, we got there and we had to go through the security thing and I was holding the poster. After Nikki and Ashley and everyone went through, it was my turn and he had to check the poster and omg it was so frickin hilarious he made this face like "um...okay" lmao.

Alright, after we were in we walked around a little and then went to our seats. They were in a pretty good location too. The first match rocked because Rey Mysterio was in it. There were some awesome moves goin on. He did a hurricanara off the turnbuckle and he did the 619 on both of the Basham Brothers at the same time. And Eddie Guerrero was absolutely hilarious as always. They won, it was all good.

More matches, then intermission. We went around and chased hott guys. lmao. Ashley was taking pictures of them. So we're out walking around and then all of a sudden we hear John Cena's music come on. I was thinking "crap!" and we all like ran back to our seats. lol. He was in the ring by the time we got back and damn he was so fine...

What else is there...oh yes. The people behind us were like drunk. That or high. I don't know but something was goin on with them...lmao. Then this other guy behind us would not shut up omg Booker T came out and behind me I hear "BOOKER T!!! YEAH!!! CAN YOU DIG IT, SUCKAAAA!!! SPINAROONI!!! DO THE SPINAROONI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then this lady "this is boring..." and another guy "...can't everyone just sit the hell down..." and again "SPINAROONI!!!!!" *pause* *Booker T does a scissorkick* "SCISSORKICKKKKKK!!!"and then this other guys going "damn shut the hell up" lmao omg. Had to be there I guess...

There was tons more but I'm not going to write about it, don't feel like it lol. If you want to hear more of what happened just IM me. :)
Is that the new Batista shirt?

Posted by moon2/brokentears at 12:01 AM EST
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Thursday, February 24, 2005

Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: In da club - 50 Cent

I am so going to get in with that watch me. ;-)

Your favorite movie "I Know Who You Did Last Summer" lmao. Damn that would have been good...haha j/k. That was hilarious omg. Good times...

Kadin has this new thing where he sits on people. He sat on my head today omg lmao. And also today Koda was chewing on my head. Nice...

Wow Saturday will be so awesome. Can't wait!
Now I'm far away from you
I'll never bring back yesterday
You're such a fake it's true
I can't believe the words you say
I'm far away from you
I'll never bring back yesterday

Posted by moon2/brokentears at 8:20 PM EST
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
Heart Stickers
Mood:  silly
Now Playing: Cold - Crossfade

We all have heart stickers on our foreheads.

Including both our dogs.

And our cat.

lmao don't ask...
Had to be there...

Posted by moon2/brokentears at 6:10 PM EST
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Ordinary Day - Vanessa Carlton

My dogs went outside today and it was extremely muddy out so guess what...yeah they got extremely muddy. Genius.

Anyways, they had to come in sometime so we needed to give them a bath. Door opens, they come bolting in the room and yeah...they had to jump on me. omg. lmao. Kadin jumped on me and he's pretty big so I couldn't stop him in time. Mud all over me. Then we had to give them a bath...oh the excitement. I bet you can imagine how fun that was. Haha actually it wasn't that bad. They're crazy but I love them anyways. Its fun with them around, however chaotic.

Crazy doggies. lol.
Down and dirty...

Posted by moon2/brokentears at 12:01 AM EST
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Sunday, January 16, 2005

Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Evanescence - Thoughtless

Today my dog (Kadin) got this paper that he wasn't supposed to have and I had to chase him for it. He always takes stuff he's not supposed to and runs with it so you can't get it! Omg. And then if you don't get it back he chews it all up. He had my cell phone the other day and by the time I got it from him it had teeth marks in it.

Anyways, I was chasing him and I got him cornered, so he ran by me and I grabbed his collar. He's so fricken strong, omg he dragged me across the room before I got him to stop and now I have rug burns. :/ I didn't want to let go because I needed to get that paper from him cuz it wasn't mine and I didn't want him to rip it up in case somebody needed it so I held on and now...ugh.

Typical story of my life...

I love my dogs. lol.
You think I don't know, but you're wrong...

Posted by moon2/brokentears at 10:45 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, January 16, 2005 10:45 AM EST
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Monday, January 10, 2005
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: EVANESCENCE, of course!!!

It's my b-day! Uh huh, oh yeah, mm hmm, yeah huh, w00t!!!

Okay actually it wasn't that exciting but work with me here...

Wow. 16. Crazyness.

I've been singing Evanescence songs all wasn't pretty.

My dogs ran out of the room crying and then the neighbors called the police because they thought somebody was being murdered at my house...then they found out it was just me singing.

Am I too lost to be saved?

Posted by moon2/brokentears at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, January 15, 2005 7:08 PM EST
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Sunday, December 19, 2004

Mood:  happy

We must be crazy...we just got another dog today. It was like a last minute split decision drive up and get him kind of thing. He is soooooo adorable. He's 7 weeks old and he's a Labradoodle. He's like a creamy tanish color. Very soft. Our black Labradoodle Kadin is doing okay getting used to him. He's freaking out a little though, so I hope they'll both get along and stuff. They probably will they're both still puppies. Anyways, this is cool. Haha.

Well, bye bye.


Posted by moon2/brokentears at 2:47 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, December 19, 2004 2:48 PM EST
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Monday, December 13, 2004

Mood:  chillin'

I sat on my cat again today. I've gotta stop doing that. Last time I sat on him and my sister was right next to me and she's like "'re sitting on Simba," and I was like "What?" *pause* "Oh!" Whoops.

No, I wasn't high.

I am nothing without you...

Posted by moon2/brokentears at 12:01 AM EST
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