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In Memorium

Annabel Si Wan Fahy

This is the first picture I saw of Wu Si Wan, the infant girl from China my sister, Deb and her husband, Greg hoped to adopt.
Dressed in so many layers of clothes it seemed she couldn't move, her smile instantly captivated me.

A Collection of Favorite Photos
(Please click on the pictures to see them full size.)

Annabel's arrival in the U.S.!

Thanksgiving 2003

Spring and Summer 2004

Halloween 2004

Christmas 2004

Peace Corps Week, March 2005
Governor John E. Baldacci & Annabel

Annabel died unexpectedly on March 29, 2005. Please click here to view her obituary.
Results of medical tests, received a month after her death, indicate that she died of Myocarditis.

Forever by Chris Fahy

An intelligent design called myocarditis
killed my granddaughter.
She was too little to know about death or God
or heaven or evolution.
She knew about illness and pain, of course,
but also she knew about "happys"
-her word for birthdays-
she'd celebrated two of them.
She knew about eating delicious olives
and jumping and dancing and laughing
and teasing the cat and playing in sand.
She knew about warm hugs and kisses.

She didn't know that flesh and love
could turn to cold ash and be buried
beside a rosebush.
Or that mommies and daddies
and mommoms and papas
could weep like children,
wishing with all their shattered hearts
to turn back time
and failing that, to forget.

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