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There is a wonderful word: "human", because it isn't divide the man and woman. Anyway, there is just one small difference: one of them can give birth to a new life, the other not. But the heart and mind don't have gender. The behaviour also not. I just wish you to use that wonder that you have born, and never give a chance to cowardliness. Cowardliness - this monster always lies in ambush. It bites us every day and just few people don't let it to tear them into pieces. Those, who are coward when they are in danger will be insolent as soon as danger goes away. Always take the risks even if you afraid. Maybe I should stop saying things like that and would rather speak about an innocent, happy world. But that would be a mistake. Because you would think that life is a soft carpet on which you can go through without shoes ... but it's a bumpy road. Many times you get injured. That is why you have to defend yourself wearing shoes made of iron. And it is not enough because there will always be people who lift a stone from the road and throw it on to you ...

But never forget:

Fighting is much better than winning, travelling is much more entertaining than arriving. When you arrive somewhere or win, there will be an emptiness inside. And to defeat this emptiness you hit the road again and make new aims.

Welcome Dear Visitor! Happy to see you around... feel free to take a look at my website. It is still not completed; some parts are "under construction" :)

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, write to me to:


Origo - Well-known webportal (Hungarian)
A site for the ladies (Hungarian)
My country...
Crete, 2002 Summer
Crete, 2004 Spring