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Welcome to Zodiac Elements

Condensed Tip of the Week ending June 28, 2003     Keep up with the times! - go to New Features or Neopian Times, or Coming Soon.


Visit the Re-opened Rainbow Fountain here.

There will be a Guild meeting for all members new and old. In this meeting we will discuss goals and expectations for our guild. The meeting will begin at 8:00pm NST on Thursday, July 10th in our Live Chat Room.

If you are new or just wondering whether or not to join our Guild, check out the Benefits we have to offer.

Hello Everyone! You know the rules but here they are again:

1.You must be active in the guild, by at least posting three messages on the board a week.

2. You must put the guild banner in your shop. If you dont want to, you must submit the reasons to a member of the council.

3.Put your birthday in the Guild Calander. On Members birthdays, you will recieve your birthday pack.

4.You will get a newbie pack after two weeks, if you follow the rules of the guild.


A meeting will be held atleast once a week to discuss responsibilities and duties of each member. If you can't attend arrangements will be made to get you the vital information. Let it be known that if you miss four (4) meetings in a row your privilages will be suspended.

Were you aware that there is a large green almost eaten Jelly in Jelly-World?

Zodiac Elements
Member Awards & Benefits

Well, we grew as you can see and there are more pages being added and brought online everyday. This is what is known as the Guild Website. The Guild page is the Frontpage. Please use the pages and references until you have exhausted them, that is what they are for.

Anytime there is information that needs to be delivered, it will still be done through the message board feature of the Guild Frontpage.

There are several links on this site that take you to external sources beyond the site but they are completely safe and have had subscribers to these services for many years. There is a really unique feature under Guestmap to actually put a pin where ever we live and it is suggested that this is done because it is fun.

It is also highly suggested to read the Assistance Page because that is the comprehensive description of each page and how to best use this site.

The list is growing with link-backs for resources so for a complete list of all the support and resources used visit the link-back page. Some of the links listed may not actually have contributions within the site but they have contributed ideas and gotten the creative juices flowing.