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About This Layout

I haven't made a layout for so long! I have officially become obssessed with Naruto like I was with Hunter x Hunter. You'll see more Naruto layouts coming from me in the future! I love this picture of Sakura Haruno, she's so cute crushing over Sasuke-kun!

I quite like this layout, well designed I think. Took me over two hours (usually layouts take me around 30 minutes). I hope you'll enjoy it if you decide to use it.I really like the style. The layout is not hard to edit, it has a ccs file named sakura.css, some images and a main index.html. Instructions are easy, if you don't know much html, just put words between the parts where I said

start content
end content

If you need any more help, you are more than welcome to go to my Digik Forum and ask your question there, if not me I'm sure other friendly members can help you. Ask in the 'layouts' category.


The navigation is on the left, its in the a div layer, I just couldn't let room for text links, so I thought a new idea to have image links. I made the 80x80 avatars as links for you. If you need more links just make your own. It's really easy, and then just copy what I have there down, so you have a guide. One warning when you are editing the navigation part, if you are a beginner, make sure you don't touch the parts after 'img src' because it afffects the linking. You can edit the nav in the index.html. I already indicated where they are. You can change the links to your own of course.


You MUST NOT EVER remove the link on this layout, I made it, it belongs to You know I'm only giving it to you for free because it's linkware, I have to have credit, you can't say this is your layout, you didn't make it! So to keep everyone happy, leave the watermark! And if this layout inspires you to make another one, please credit me on your credit page or something.

The content of this site is copyrighted to you so you can put your own name on the bottom right-hand side, where it says the site is copyright to you. Just wanna point that out because you might miss it.


I already made 5 avatars for you, they are in the nav folder. Please do not move them from that directory or the image links won't show.


Site © your name here
Layout © Digik Designs