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Hey everyone! Welcome to my web site! My name is Yoshiko. I hope you like my site. And please sign the guestbook!

~August 29, 2003~
8:41 PM

I haven't really updated my site in a while. I didn't really have anything new to put on it and I guess I was a bit lazy. I took another one of those quizzes. This one was different than the others that I posted the results for. I posted the results in the quiz section. Well, that is all for now.


~August 5, 2003~
7:01 PM

Hi everyone! I am sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I couldn't think of anything new to put on my site! Oh well. By the way, anyone who wants to advertise my site is welcome to. I have a link in my site with banners that anyone is welcome to use for advertising my site. Well, that is all I have to say for now. I'll try to update soon.


~July 22, 2003~
1:31 PM

Hurray! Someone signed my guestbook! And someone took my quiz and the poll! That makes me happy. =D Anyway, I haven't put anything up on my site today. I am starting to run out of ideas! :( If anyone has any ideas you can tell me when you sign the guestbook.

Anyway, that is all I have to say for now. Bye!


~July 18, 2003~
8:23 PM

Hey! New updates to the sight! I've added a button in the left frame. It's to protect the golden snidget! (If you are not a Harry Potter fan, then you wouldn't understand.) Anyway, I've also added a poll on the quiz page. I put it there because I want to see what people get on my quiz (Which Marauder are you?) if they took it. I got Mooney again. I get him on almost every quiz I take. If you've been to the quiz link, you know this already. Well, thats all for now!


~July 17, 2003~
12:26 PM

Hey! I was looking through my web site and an ad popped up. It wasn't really one of those annoying ads trying to sell you stuff or tell you that you won fake prizes. It was a smileygram. Take a look: - Make someone smile!


~July 16, 2003~
7:31 PM

Hi again! I've updated my site a lot since last time. I put up a page with results for personality quizzes that I took. You can see them by clicking here. When you finish looking at the results, take the quizzes. Well, that is all for now.


~July 15, 2003~
1:01 PM

Hey everyone! I've updated the layout of my site. I hope you like it. As you are looking around my site, you may find some things that were put up just for fun and have nothing to do with anything.

(example=the squares in the left frame...)

I am working hard on my site to put up as much as I can! And there will be more coming soon. There will be polls, information on miscellaneous stuff, and maybe some pictures if I can get some good ones. If you have any questions or comments, you can tell me in the guestbook (when I put it up). For now, well, I guess you'll just have to wait! Sorry. Well, that is all for now. Bye!


Please sign the guestbook!

-This webpage was created by Yoshiko-
and was last updated on August 29, 2003 at 8:41 PM

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