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even heroes get boo-boos

ok, i know i haven`t updated much, but hey, i`m a busy girl, alright? i was working, going to school, and balancing a relationship 4 hours away all year...that was tough! anyway, i really do want to try to get this site up to snuff, but don`t expect miracles. hope you`re having a good summer, and if you go to the newly renamed UMdub, i`ll see you in august.



a day in the life

all about me

pictures a-plenty



UPDATE: September 13, 2003

new page! birthday weekend 2003 pictures. should have even more after the weekend is complete. but totally check it out now anyway.

UPDATE: July 31, 2003

a few new pictures, and updated picture information. lots of new pictures should be showing up soon, since i finally got a digital camera! stay tuned...

UPDATE: May 7, 2003

a couple new quotes...even though the quote wall is in jersey for the summer. i'm heading home tomorrow, so i don't know how often i'll update over the summer. but look for some awesome new stuff when i come back to mwc next fall!

MARJOR UPDATE: April 29, 2003

new page! check it out! link above!

also, it has come to my attention that i NEED this

if you would like to help me in acquiring it, its only $3! c'mon...what are friends for, if not for buying each other funny bumper stickers?

UPDATE: April 27, 2003

more quotes. dance party/dance-tourage pix coming soon...

UPDATE: April 21, 2003

changed erin's picture on quote wall, added s'more quotes (some really good ones, too)

UPDATE: April 16, 2003

updated quote wall again, changed my picture on the quote wall page

UPDATE: April 15, 2003

updated quote wall, gave ryan his own section

UPDATE: April 12, 2003

switched things around on pictures page, corrected my grammar, and added some pix

(i was gonna update the quote wall, but megan and erin are both gone, so i can't get into their room)



check these sites out until this one looks better:

on a scale of one to awesome, i'm super great
my baby's page
