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Aingeal Ena

The Story

May 24, 2003,
Me and my friend James went to see the new movie Bruce Almighty. I was dying to see it opening day, but could'nt get around to it on friday, so we decided to go at 11:00 a.m.
that following saturday. After the movie ended, around 12:50 p.m, we decided to leave and go home. When we reached the stop sign that lead to the exit, of course we stopped allowing a green car to pass by. Then it was our turn to go, so as I got about 50 feet from my stop sign, began to turn (had my blinker on way before I even pulled up to the stop sign) as I went into the turn, the Chevy s10 smack me pretty hard. I don't even recall them even stopping to allow me to pass. But as soon at the impact happened, a lady jumped from the Chevy ran up to my window mumbling something along the lines of "I have nothing to do with this" and ran away from the scene. She never came back, and when I called the police, they didn't arrive till two hours later, after we had to move the cars outta the way to allow traffic flow. That's how I lost the car of my dreams, along with her being one of my best friends, even though she was a machine. She was an awesome first car, and I will get her back again one day.

Before Shots
After Shots

You weren't just my first car, you were my safety, entertainment, and companion. I'll miss you, you will never be replaced, and you sha'll not be forgotten.

You have a place in my heart,