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Always a Bridesmaid.......

Who are the Brides of Destruction?

Brides of Destruction is the band formed by Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue) and Tracii Guns (L.A. Guns). With fresh new singer London LaGrand on vocals and Scot Coogan manning the skins, this band is poised for fame!

The raw edge and unchecked energy displayed in their demos evokes the primal urge to raise your fist in the air and shout "Hell Yeah!". Hold onto your hats kiddies, real Rock 'N Roll is back and it's gonna slap the taste outta your mouth!

Check out their Website below, along with a few other links I threw in to the mix. You won't be sorry!

Brides of Destruction
Motley Crue
Learn about the Skylar Neil Foundation

10 Reasons Nikki Sixx Rawks!

10 Reasons Tracii Guns Rawks!

10 Reasons London LaGrand Rawks!

10 Reasons Scot Coogan Rawks!