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#1: No Fighting If you have a problem request a meeting with either the Alphas or Council to solve the problem

#2: No Toys Allowed in Den Period!! {Lag booter, Bots, Room Busters, Scrollers, AV Dizziers, Music Laggers, Gesture Bombs, etc.}

#3: No Harassment of fellow members OR other packs We have friends in Most All packs and are a peaceful Pack

#4: All People will be treated with Respect whether they are council/member/pup or Alphas Disrespect will not be tolerated towards anyone ( including guests)

**NOTE** : Breaking of any of this first 4 Rules is grounds for Immediate Expulsion from Pack (based on Council recommendation)

Mating Rules:::

All Matings ofWolves Of True Friendships members will be done by either The Alpha Males,, Alpha Females,, or Spirit Elder

Minimum Age for Mating is 18 (not negotiatable)

You have to be a member(not pup) of Wolves Of True Friendships for 30 Days After you have satisfied that requirement, You Must Request a meeting with Council and ask for their Approval.

Council Members will discuss the request and an appropiate Date will be recommended (not to exceed 90 days from date of request)

Matings from other Packs: will be recognized if Wolves Of True Friendships member informs Alphas of the Mating Also that propper Courting was served (prior to the mating[ if possible)

General :

Alpha's have final Voice on ALL decisions.

No Nude or Offensive Avs in den at anytime period.

Megaheads and Games are allowed except during Meetings or when MORE than 10(ten) Wolves/people in Wolves Of True Friendships Den.

No Profanity Use of gestures are allowed before meeting has started or after meeting has been Adjourned.

Council Members are REQUIRED to attend ALL meetings (or contact Alphas and explain why they cant) **Note** Any Council Member missing (2 months) will be removed from their Position unless Alphas are notified of REASON why they cannot Attend prior to Absence.

If any body quits as a member and decides to come back they will then be put on probation for 3 weeks then a vote will be taken before they can start puphood again and if they miss one meeting with out telling a alpha or a council member they are gone.

No member of council may be on council on anyother packs, and members are aloud to be members of anymore than two other dens.

If any council member steps down or is removed for any reason they have to wait 6 months, before being able to take a council position.

leave of abcence consists of a 4 week period and if not returned by then or asked for a exstention the council position will become open.

THANK YOU.....YOUR PACK ALPHA'S OF Wolves Of True Friendships

Night.Wolf & Night_Angel