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Are you interested in starting your own home business?  No quite sure where to start?  wolfpeek can help!!  wolfpeek offers information and a list of services that includes everything from domain names, web hosting, web design, marketing and search engines. 

Now you need a product to sell.  wolfpeek has a complete ebook library which includes software to build your own ebooks and ebooks that you can resell for a profit.  Ebooks are the #1 profit maker on the web. 



E-book market grows steadily

A recent analysis by the Open eBook Forum (OeBF), an international trade and standards organisation whose members include Microsoft, HarperCollins, Adobe and McGraw-Hill, showed that e-books are contributing to increasing revenues of publishers.

HarperCollins claims to have sold more e-books in the first five months of 2002 than in all of 2001 and other publishers have reported similar profits from their e-book divisions.

Publishing houses are also using e-books to promote their businesses. HarperCollins has increased the sales of individual titles by between 5 and 10 times by offering older titles by an author for free in electronic form to promote that author's latest title.

The demand for e-book software has also increased, according to software developers. The average monthly downloads of Adobe Acrobat eBook Reader increased by approximately 70 per cent from 2001 to 2002, according to the report. An automated library lending functionality has also been created by Adobe, which allows patrons to check e-books in and out.

Ebook Sales Soar

According to a report released by the Open eBook Forum (read press release), ebook sales have increased substantially over the first half of the year. All of the major publishers have enjoyed improved sales figures, with many reporting increases of over 50% on their figures for the same period last year.

The report shows that public acceptance of the ebook is now firmly established, though it still represents a tiny share of the overall book market. But Palm, who have recently decided to distribute ebooks through two of the largest ebook distributors, say they sold 180,000 ebooks last year, representing an increase in sales of more than 40% over the previous year.

The indications are that ebook publishing is gradually developing a structure that is in many ways similar to that of the conventional publishing industry. As the number of authors considering publishing their manuscripts as ebooks has increased, the rejection rate by ebook publishers using conventional quality assurance procedures has also increased, or, to put it another way, acceptance rates for manuscripts probably average less than 10% for many ebook publishers. Also, ebook publishers are beginning to form associations, which will, in part, assist member publishers to keep up with the rapid changes occurring within the ebook industry.


Still, although there might still be some way to go, the signs suggest that the ebook industry is now firmly established and that its sales will increase steadily over the next few years. The most interesting thing about the report, however, is that publishers are now confident enough to actually talk about sales figures — and that is a significant change in itself.



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