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June 5th, 2003-Thursday (10:50 PM)-
Those updates I said I had in store? They're in. I typed them all up, and connected them to pages, and all that's left for me to do is to link them here. To begin, I have a short story called The Death of Mrs. McMillian. An odd piece, but definately worth the look anyhow, I think. I updated my shout outs page, after a good friend of mine (Go Klumpp!) pointed out to me that it was severly lacking. Next, I added Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven to the Other People's stuff page. I can't believe it took me this long, in all honesty. To keep in the spirit of Poe, the assignment poem I had will come next. The Phoenix is not at all original; stolen for Poe for a grade. And last, but surely not least (or maybe it is), is another poem entitled Black Book. It was a mistake, but mistake's DO happen, and can't be hidden from. It'll make me stronger, me thinks. Anyway, that is all for tonight. I shall see you all shortly in the future. -Vik

June 2nd, 2003-Monday (11:02 PM)-
And I welcome you all again. I have loads of updates to get to, but none of them are going up tonight. Just a diary entry for you all to enjoy. I eat my words; that's always fun! Go ahead, read. Have fun. Get a sucker. Suckers are good.-Vik

May 29th,2003-Thursday (11:23 PM)-
She updates again! This webmonster is not yet lost. Anyway, its late, and I'm tired, so I'm just going to post my diary entry and continue on. Maybe the worst one yet, and the one to get me in the most trouble but here you all be-May 29th. Read or don't. Judge and condemn.-Vik

May 20th, 2003-Tuesday (8:02 PM)-
I have two updates today, but not the spirits to write much on them. I have a diary entry meant mostly for two people who should know who they are, and a poem calledSpare Change. Enjoy. -Vik

May 5th, 2003-Monday (4:42 PM)-
Ah, and I suppose there are days like today for everyone. Regardless as to how common they are (or maybe aren't, who am I to judge), I write about it anyhow. Find the days thoughts in my newest diary entry if you so choose. If you don't, trust me, you're not blamed. -Vik

April 30th, 2003-Wednesday (11:01 PM)-
I return to you once again, my friends, as the saga continues. I have a real update this time as well; none of this Other Stuff Page today. No, real samples of MY writing. Whether this is a good thing or not is up to you, I suppose. Anyway, two new poems: Icicles, and For You. It's not there. The new one is For You-Revised. I also have a diary entry up right here. I need to quit making drama for myself. Ugh. How stupid am I. Anyway, it's late. I should go do my math. Or something. Sure. -Vik

March 23rd, 2003-Sunday (12:04 PM)-
Well, here I am again, my fellow internet junkies. I haven't updated much, I'm afraid. I haven't been writing much, though I'm sure there'll be a bout of inspiration on the way after... Nevermind. We shall see. Anyhow, just updated the Other Stuff page with Great Minds Speak on France

. Hilarious! However, if you don't support the war, or actually think France is RIGHT (I know of a lot of people who don't support the war, but that are pissed at France because of the fact that we saved their ass in WWII, and they've already forgotten the lives of young men we've given, and the MILLIONS of dollars we pumped into their economy, and the other MILLIONS of dollars we LOANED them, but that we have forgotten the debt for just to help our allies. UGH!), then don't read this. You won't appreciate the humor. I did, though. :-D -Vik

March 8th, 2003-Saturday (10:59 PM)-
I return to you yet again, my friends. It's been a bit hectic around here, though that is far from an excuse for not writing. I guess I just haven't been inspried lately. I've been really happy. A few insecurities here, and a few insecurites there, but nothing worth mentioning, and nothing that does a whole lot to me. Anyway, I have a chapter story I just started working on that I'm really excited about, so I'll probably start posting that as soon as I have a decent first chapter done. In the meantime, I have a poem called
Street Corner Whore, and a short story called For You. I kind of like the story. Not really sure where it came from, but... There it be. Anyway, enjoy! -Vik

February 20th, 2003-Thursday (11:06 PM)-
First, please wish me luck. I've invted a few Arch Angels to the site, and I hope they find my humble home of something worth while. To be considered an Arch Angel would be a treat, indeed, but I'm afraid that my writing may not shine in the hues of gold than their's do. Anyway, I do have updates, and I will share them with you. First, be warned, I've been in an odd reflective/pessimistic/depressive/sarcastic/cynical mood today. All day. Not sure why. My writing from today indefinately reflects that. How sad. Anyhow, a journal entry for you all, to begin with. Next, we have the first poem, called Sweet Child, which isn't half as happy or sappy (I'm a poet and didn't even know it! ::Bu-duh CH!::) as it sounds. And last, another poem, by the name of Daily Lessons. Have a looksie, and don't forget, you're allowed to sign the guestbook-more than once, even! -Vik

February 03rd, 2003-Monday (11:25 PM)-
Well well well. It has been a while indeed, has it not? Anyway, not much of an update. I should've written more before when I was miserable, because now that I'm enjoying life, I'm afraid that my pool of limitless inspiration has dried up for the duration of this drought of tears. I kind of hope it lasts, though. Anyway, a diary entry for those who're interested. Adios. -Vik

January 22nd, 2003-Wednesday (11:09 PM)-
Well, this has been an... erm... Interesting, roller coaster of a day. I joined physics. Aren't you all so proud? Anyhow, long day, and I have to go to bed. I'm so incredibly tired. I have a new journal entry (careful, LOTS of swearing in it. LOTS.) and two new poems in Vik's Pics, called Warped and Twisted and The Master's Hand. Remember, neither of those are mine. Anyhow, off to bed with me. Night. -Vik

January 20th, 2003-Monday (10:56 PM)-
...And my passion has flowered, wilted, and died once more. ::Sigh:: I already miss the surge. Makes no sense right now, but read this diary entry, and you will. Anyhow, what an amazing weekend I had. I need more like these. Perhaps if I weren't so anti social, I WOULD have more like these! Anyway, that's all for today. -Vik

January 8th, 2003-Wednesday (8:40 PM)-
And I return. It's been an odd couple of days... Josh coming up the day before yesterday, Curtis and I hanging out YESTERDAY... Odd, very odd indeed. This situation feels somewhat verisimilar. I don't think I like it; don't like it will end well. Been here, done this, and here I go for round two. ::Ding ding!:: Anyhow, updates. Yes, I do have those. First, did anyone notice that I won an award? Huh? Huh? My very FIRSTEST award! Seems that there ARE people reading this, even with the lack of guestbook signatures ::hint hint, wink wink::. I'm also in a competition... I have a link on the opening page where you can go to vote for me, starting on the thirteenth. There'll be links all over soon. :-D Anyhow, few new links in the Links section. I also have two new short stories: one is kind of the story-perspective of the poem, Athena. This one, is called Athena, The Story. Original or what? I have another short story ((odd, huh? How often do I write short stories? Damn close to never...)) called Imperfection. Both are a little... Different. And if those are a little different, then my newest poem, Perfection Vs. Memory, is out and out eccentric. Well, I do believe that is all of the updates for now. I may go write a diary entry, or another short story, time permitting. I have four algebra assignments to do, and getting started on my sign language paper couldn't be a bad idea. OH! And a Gov't Econ collage to do. ::Sigh:: I shall see you all later. -Vik

January 6th, 2003-Monday (10:54 PM)-
Well, a few updates today. It was my first day back at school since break's ended, so it was kind of hard getting into the groove of things. Anyhow, most unusual day, and thus, this called for a diary entry. Didn't see this one coming, I assure you all. I certainly didn't. I've also been writing a lot; I have a lot of half finished stories that I hope to put up soon, but for now, I have a poem and a song to keep you happy. First, the song, called Athena and secondly, the poem, called Obscenely Self Degrading. Inspired by Shade himself, and a conversation we had yesterday. The song isn't quite what i wanted it to be; I was going for heart wrenching, and though provoking, and dark, and deep, and ended up settling for thought provoking, and something a little... Off. ::Sigh:: That's what you get, when you hope for your magnum opus. You get silver instead of gold. Figures. Anyway, I also put up a new poem in the favorites. It's by Robert Frost. It's called Fire and Ice. I can't believe I didn't put it up earlier! I've loved this poem for ages, now, and I'm only now getting around to posting it. Lastly, I updated the About Vik page. Nothing special, really. Added a few new movies, few new bands... That good stuff. And that would be it! Go to bed now, kiddies! You have school (maybe work?) in the morning!-Vik

December 23rd, 2002-Monday (10:55 PM)-
I don't want to write much here, because my aunt's keyboard is pissing me off. Once in a while, I hit the key, and the letter won't come up. GAR! Anyway, a new poem called Holiday Cheer, and a new diary entry. I'm out! -Vik

December 17th, 2002-Tuesday (6:19 PM)-
I don't have time to make a long update, so I'm just going to rattle off what I did. First, a new diary entry. Also, four new poems: Shedd Aquarium, Just Outside Downtown, The 6:14 Bus Home, and of course, Nutshell. Ciao! -Vik

December 13th, 2002-Friday (10:37 PM)-
Naturally, on the weekend, I'm updating at a reasonable hour. Let me tell you, I didn't end up in bed until almost three after I updated last time. Perhaps I should find more opportune times to update.. Don't you think? Anyhow, updates. Yes, yes, I have those. First, I added a few links. Check out the links setion. I added all of the new banners. Click on the top banner, and go find Vik's Pics on there, and click on the link there. By doing so, you'll be voting for me. :-D Yes, and innocent little plug there. Anyway, I also added a guestbook, if any of you noticed. It's on the homepage. I don't think it's been signed yet... Hurry over and sign it for me! I updated the Shout Outs page. Just because you were already there doesn't mean you weren't update. Almost every person was updated, a quite a few were added. Next, I wrote a diary entry. It's very random. I change topics a LOT. I also have three poems: Icing On Top (which I think I might've posted somehwere else on this site under a different title), another called Lolipops and Lawn Gnomes, and lastly, a poem called Through Brown Eyes. Tis all the updates I have for you today. Check some of those out! And feedback, please! I haven't had that in a while! -Vik

December 8th, 2002-Sunday (12:09 AM)-
Wow. Late. Very late. And lots of updates. i worked for three hours on this diary entry, which is the ENTIRE story of me and my my ex. Read at your own risk... It's LONG. Next, I have poems. One called Only, another called Simply Basic, another called Bad Blood, another called Bacchaus, and lastly, one called Grocery Store Line. Enjoy all! I'm off to bed!

November 26th, 2002-Tuesday (11:10 PM)-

It's almost 11:11 again. Hm. I have a bit of a fetish for updating around this time, do I not? Well, I have a break from all of the entries I've been writing. I have a poem called Five Virgins. It's nothing like what it sounds. Read it, and you'll get it. ::Sigh:: Actually, you probably won't, but... Ask if you'd like the story behind it. I'm off. -Vik

November 25th, 2002-Monday (11:11 PM)-
11:11. Make a wish. ((Wishes don't come true.)) I wish Uncle Rusty were still here. I wish my mom was OK, that nothing had collapsed in on itself. I remember reading a poem of a once friend of mine where he laughed at a funeral. Must be nice to not feel that much. Anyway, too tired to really write much. I have to get up early tomorrow for the funeral. I have a diary entry of course, since that's all I've had lately. I'm out. -Vik

November 23rd (again) 2002-Saturday (12:01 AM)-
Don't want to talk. Wrote another diary entry. Read or don't. Who cares anymore?-Vik

November 23rd, 2002-Saturday (1:16 PM)-
Well, I can't make this very long. My family and I are off to Pennsylvania in about five minutes. Anyhow, I wrote a diary entry all about why we're leaving. ::Sigh:: Life isn't quite fair, is it? Well, I'll be gone for a week, so don't expect too many updates in that time. -Vik

November 20th, 2002-Wednesday (10:58 PM)-
God... Damn chemistry test tomorrow. Think I can just opt out? Anyway, let's see... As usual (for it wouldn't be a TRUE update without one) a journal entry. I also have a new poem added to Vik's Pics right here... They're written by Emily, a friend of mine. I also updated About Vik, but it was just with that survey I posted in an entry some time ago. Lastly, I updated my links page as well. A few new good links on there that I think people may enjoy. Check them out if you feel so inclined. And that is all. Sleep tight, my fair ladies and gents! -Vik

November 11th, 2002-Monday (11:06 PM)-
Wow today's been a long day. I hope you don't mind that I don't write anything suave or witty in here today. I just don't have the energy, not to mention, the idea of typing anymore than i already must is making my stomache a little squirmish. What a day. Anyway, only a diary entry today, I'm afraid. Sorry, nothing worthwhile. I have a poem I should probably add soon, but not today, my friends. Not today. -Vik

November 2nd, 2002-Saturday (1.:49 AM)-
I don't have the energy, I'm afraid, to make a long updates page. Ordinarily, I'd try my best to be witty, and explain all of the updates, but it's late, and I have to be up in a few hours, so I'm just going to list them out. First, a diary entry, and a few new poems by me: Waiting for my Lighter, Super Man, Puppet Master, and Reflection. Next, new story by me: Northern Lights. A lot of new stuff on the Vik's Pics page, so again, I'll just list it all. Fancy, Billy, Verisimilitude, Torn Apart, Illusions, So Deep, Don't Be An English Teacher, Trees, and When We Two Parted. Hope that's enough updates to keep you all busy for a while... I know it kept me up for a bit! Anyway, though, I'm tired, and I promised myself I'd be off by 2:00 AM... It's already 1:55. So, ciao. -Vik

October 28th, 2002-Monday 10:34 PM-
I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, my adoring public ::scoffs::. Anyhow, between chemistry, homework, NHS concessions, work, and everything else going on in this world turned upside down, I haven't had time for my website. I know, I know, "How can I not have time for my website?" you ask? Well, because, I've been forced by the fire breathing dragons that live with me (my parents) to set different priorities. Odds are I won't be able to update for a few more days again, either, because of Chemistry exams. Fun. Anyway, I have a new diary entry up. It's really long, and not about anything special. Check it out if you like. It's time for Vicky to go to bed, though. Night!

October 3rd, 2002-Thursday 10:19 PM-
Nothing big, I'm afraid. I have a few things I should probably add to Viks Favs, but frankly, you're adored webmistress is much too lazy to consider doing things she SHOULD do. Perhaps that's why my algebra lays on the table, unfinished. I don't know when I'm going to do it... Of course, we shouldn't have that CLASS tomorrow... Yes, anyway, only a short journal entry today. Nothing big. A little redundant. Not sure if I'd read it if I were you. Choose, it's your choice after all.

October 2nd, 2002-Wednesday 11:33 PM-
Well, nothing special. I wrote a couple of poems. They're odd. A lot different than what I normally write... One's unusually insightful, and is like nothing I've ever written before. Keri approves. :-) Anyway, it's called Free Form. Check it out if you like. The other one is... uh... different, at best. Anyway, it's called Asylum Cell. Very odd. Very, very odd... Anyway, I'm out. It's late. Goodbye.

October 1st, 2002-Tuesday 10:57 PM-
Today has royally sucked. While not the worst day of my life (that was almost exactly a week ago, actually), it ranked pretty high on the "Shit-o-meter". I don't understand people; Fuck, I don't understand what the fuck is going on in MY mind half the time; why should I understand others? I guess I just think I'm so fucking special or something. Whatever. I don't know. Bad day, and I hope you'll all forgive my cussing. It really is quite uncharacteristic of me, except when around Keri. :-) Anyway, all that to get to the one teeny tiny update I have today. Just a new journal entry. Lucky you. You know, I'm beginning to think that this whole site is a waste of tiem... I don't think anyone really reads it, do they? Thought not. Just another rambling teen with nothing better to do in her spare time, I suppose...Out.

September 30th, 2002-Monday 10:56 PM-
I forgot to update on the 26th... I had a journal entry, and I posted it today. Here's a link. Also another entry from today. Neither very interesting. Here's the link to that one as well. ::Sigh:: It's getting late. Vicky must go to bed, I'm afraid. Nighty night, my friends.

September 25th, 2002-Wednesday 10:57 PM-
So it seems a lot later than it normally does at this time. Maybe it's the stress I've been under as of late. Probably. ::Shrugs:: Oh well, I shall live. Anyway, I have three updates. Two poems, one called Shadow Of Death and the other called You Unfortunate, You. Both are really short. Neither is very good. Enjoy if you'd like, send flame if you don't, I s'pose. I seem to get more and more of that. Anyway, I also put up a new diary entry. Right here if you'd like to read it. Just my personal life. ::Blaghch!:: Who wants to read THAT?!?! Anyway, have fun, kiddies. I'm off to bed. Too bad I updated the page instead of doing my chemistry homework... It seemedl ike a good idea at the time, but I have a feeling I'll regret that tomorrow. What about you?

September 16th, 2002-Monday 10:02 PM-
Well, I highly doubt if I'm done updating, but I don't want to forget to, so here's what I've got up so far. First, the mushiest poem I have ever written... I almost disgust myself sometimes. Anyhow, I'm putting it up. It's Untitled, and is the first one, thus is called Untitled Number One. While on the poetry updates, I have one of the worst poems I've ever written up as well, now. If you'd like to see, it's called Save You. I don't recommend it. At all. Next, I have a, uh... well, it's in the stories section, only because I could think of no where else to put it. Anyone who knows me personally is probably very farmilair with Vicky's Notes to Self: Things I've Learned. A few humorous ones, a few meaningful ones... Wish I could provide a dancing squirrel in the corner for those of you who are easily distracted. (Never seen Nick @ Nite? Well, then you probably don't understand the dancing squirrel joke... Don't worry. It wasn't that good anyway.). The last update (for now) is something that cannot be found through any other links currently. It's those quizzie things, and my results. Anyway, its a section of the site I'm going to call I am. Check it out if you like... I think I have a few new things on the Vik's Favs page as well, but I could be mistaken, and I'm (frankly) too lazy to check. You can, if you'd like, though. OH! I also joined a ring... Well, I'm being 'initiated', actually. ::Hopes and crosses fingers:: Well, I'm out to make new updates!

September 12th, 2002-Thursday 10:31 PM-
And here I be again, my friends. Updating for you, you devine folk. First off, I have a new journal entry for you all. A bit more bitching from the queen of bitching herself. Yes, you may all bow before me now. :-) Anyhow, been a rough couple of days. Read if you like. Next, two new short stories! I wrote them while at work today but ::SH!:: don't tell my boss! I don't think Jeremy'd like it much... Anyway, the first is Innocent Laughter, which is... kind of a distrubing peice about Herione addiction. Read at own risk. Next, we have one called Patriotism, which is a story about 9/11 as you've NEVER seen one, I promise. Again, read at own risk. I'm sure the majority of people won't like the message behind it. While on an American kick, I have a new thing posted in Vik's Pics called I'm A Bad American. By George Carlin. I take no credit for this man's ideas, though I do share quite a deal of them. Lastly, but certainly not least, I have the lyrics to my FAVORITE song of ALL time up in otherstuff as well. It's Freshman by Vervepipe. Great song. Download it. Listen to it. Build it a shrine. Worship it. Then buy a cheeseburger. Anyhow, I believe I'm done rambling for now...

September 9th, 2002-Sunday 12:12 A.M.-
Well, it has been quite some time, my adoring public. I'm afraid I can give you no excuse sans my laziness. I've been getting lost more and more everyday to the world of fanfiction (oh, don't worry, you as well, will get a taste of this new obsession), not to mention that the homework from my classes have begun piling up. In case any of you are considering taking chemistry, I highly advise that you DON'T. Dimensional Analysis is the spawn of satan in numerical and unitical (that's not a word, but I'll act as Bush today) form. I hate it. I LOATHE it. Speaking of hating and loathing, to the updates! I have a diary entry that talks about a lot of things I hate... Coffee, Poi, people... Very melancholy diary entry, even for me, I'm afraid. Read if you dare, I spose. Next, I have a short story up called Pretend if any of you are interested, along with a poem by the name of Remember. Both, I'm afraid, are memories seething forth from a life I thought I'd left behind. Unfortunately, the past is always there to give you a swift kick in the ass, pending you start becoming too happy. Life doesn't like happiness, I've decided. ::Sigh:: Yes, so I'm being a little melodramatic, but bare with me, it's been a difficult weekend. Adios, my fair public! ::takes a bow.::

August 13th, 2002-Tuesday 3:51 AM-
I done done it again, y'all! Done done it again! Yes, anyway... Let's see... Four updates, I do believe. First, I have a new journal entry up. It's all about camp. If you'd like to read it, just click here. Next, I have a new favorite up... It's a song from camp called Princess Pat. I have two new stories up as well, both of which are chapter fiction. The first one, Sunny's Notes is about a girl who cuts herself. That's all that I have written thus far. The other one, called My World, My Truth is about a man who can't take anymore, and goes dillusional. I have more written, but I'm so tired... I've gotta go to bed. Anyway, enjoy all!

August 12th, 2002-Monday 12:29 AM-
I hate syblings. No, I can't say that... I have three syblings... I hate one of the three. I hate her. She is what inspried me to write today. She shouldn't have, stupid bitch... Anyhow, let's see... One new poem today, called My Sister. It's about the sister I hate, actually. I also added a journal entry all about here, and you can find it here. Read or don't... Have fun either way. I also put a ton of new stuff up in the Vik's Favorites. I have a couple of poems, a tribute to the US, and a HILARIOUS, but kind of raunchy, story. Proceed with caution. I also got my buttons up! Didja guys see? Huh, huh? Didja, didja? Thanks again, Brian! You're such a life saver! The graphics look SUPER great! Anyway, later all.

August 11th, 2002-Sunday 2:46 AM
So yes. I am extremely tired. And I have to get up in like, 6 hours for a guitar lesson. I am so screwed. I have not practiced in weeks, and don't remember my chords. Shoot me in the face. Anyway, updates, yes updates... Let's see... I added a few links, a few poems, a few short stories, a journal entry, and my shout outs. Yes, I did quite a bit. I'm quite proud. :-) Anyway, you can check those out... I'd provide links except for the fact that there are just too many right now for me to even IMAGINE putting them all up here. After this point, though, I will try to link to my updates. I should be getting real, CUSTOM MADE buttons for all of my categories! All together now-Thank you, Brian! Brian is being more than a huge help to me... You guys don't even understand. Anyway, go ahead, and have a look around at the updates! I hope you enjoy!

August 1st, 2002-Thursday 12:08 AM (So I guess it's actually August 2nd, but...)-
I began my site today. So far, I've got the index page up, which is leading quite successfully to the home page. From there, I have my updates page successfully linked, as well as my poetry page. I hope to have links to all of my categories made tonight, and if not by tonight, then very soon. I must give HUGE props to my friend, Brian, for putting up with me tonight! He's been a HUGE help. He made the Vik's Pics thing for me, and is currently helping me with buttons. (When I say currently, I MEAN currently. As in this moment.) Anyhow, I'm hoping to have this site looking decently very soon, and open to most of my good friends very soon. Keep coming back; I'm hoping it'll only get better and better. :-)
Until Next Time-


Take me back home.