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                           Story 2: Party





My 2 weeks is over^_^ and it’s almost my birthday! 18 October ^_^ but I give my party now with all my friends!



Vikova: Hello Everybody Welcome on my Big PARTY!!! ^_^


Sunny: Yeah this is gone be cool!!


KaKo   : yeah I like a Party!!


Bubbles: Wow What a Big Cake!!!


Vikova:  hihi   cool hah my mom has made that one! ^_^


Gareth: Hello Vikova!!


Vikova: HI Gareth *blush*


Gareth: Happy birthday ^_^ and I have a present too!


Vikova: Cool Gareth it is not my birthday yet, but it feels like it is!


Gareth: Hope you like the Present....


Vikova: I Like al the presents but where is your present than??


Gareth: you will see...


Bubbles: aha a secret! Cool Vikova maybe it’s a...a. a BIG KISS!


Vikova: Stop it!*blush*


KaKo: sweet Vikova is blushing!


Vikova: GRRR I will be back Gareth.....


Gareth: hihihihi ok ^_^


Happy: who want some cake??


KaKo: me!!!


Bubbles: Me!!!!!!!


Sunny: Me!


Gareth: hihihi and don’t forget me I want some too!


Happy: hahaha ok, ok! There is enough for everyone!


Bubbles: you can say that!!!


KoTona: Hello where is Vikova??


Happy: I don’t know....


KoTona: aww well give me some cake than...


Happy: not so fast I must give a lot of lion's cake go find Vikova...


KoTona: yes mom.....


Inside the house me and my sister talking…


Vikana: Hey Vik what are you doing here.....


Vikova: well I think Gareth is Cute and ehh he haves a gift for me but I don’t know what…*blush* everybody say something about that...

       Bubbles say that it can be a Kiss and...You know.....


Vikana: hihihi don’t mind it! Go back and look what for gift he haves and eat some cake and...

        I think he is cute too! ^__~


Vikova: thank you sister... I will go back now it’s my party^__^


Vikana: Key I go with you I want some cake too....


Gareth comes in the house for looking too me and I want too go outside and you know what’s going to happen… BOEMMMM!


Vikova: aww...


Gareth: Wow sorry are you okay?? I was looking for you?


Vikova: Really?? You were looking for me?? Ehh I mean I’m


Gareth: AFCORES I’m ok! ^__^


Vikova: Good...


Gareth: come with me we go outside...


Vikova: yeah ok^_^


When we come outside.......


Bubbles: Hey you are back where you go?


Vikova: ehh...emm... Too the bath room ^_^


Bubbles: ok ^_~


KaKo: hey Vik come eat some cake!!


Vikova: SURE! Jum!


Happy: Here you are dear!


Vikova: thanks mum!


Vikana: Here are Kovita and Kovan ^_^


Kovan: Hi Vik here is your present...


Vikova: aww thank you Kovan...


Vikova: WOOOOW money thank you


I give a hug too Kovan when Gareth is go inside the house maybe for his gift???.......


VerfVlek: Hi everyone!!


Vikova: Hello VerfVlek nice you came here too!!


VerfVlek: I love too come here Vikie^_^


Vikova: Thank you ^_^ Give me a hug!


Vikana the sister from Vikova (me) say something too the microphone...


Vikana: Hey everybody, on this moment wait Vik a long time hihihihi  here comes Gareth Gates^_^


Vikova: what’s happening??


Bubbles: COOL!


Gareth: Hi everyone! I will sing a song for the birthday girl! Its cal *Good thing* I have those this song because that’s the favourite from Vikova I heard...


Vikova:*blush again*


KaKo: Really Vikie? Is that your favourite song blllllllleehh....


Vikova: SHUT UP I listen too Gareth my Dear!


Bubbles: Dear??? Hahahahahahahah!!


Vikova: Stop laughing!!


3 or 4 min later Gareth is don with his song......


Gareth: Thanks you! Vikova want to come on the stage?


Vikova: ehh well...ok I come...


Gareth: Happy birthday again Vikova hope you like my song...




Vikova: mmmmmmm cool! I mean your song ehh...Mm...I go inside too do something...


Gareth: Can I help??




Vikova: well




Vikova: OK!


Gareth: ok ^_^


Vikana: Thank you Gareth for the song and everything! Now if you want some good food go too my mom and dad!


Vikova: DAD?? Wait a sec Gareth I don’t have see him the whole day!


Gareth: ok I will wait...hahaha


Vikova: HI DAD! You are here!


Katona: Hello I’m on this birthday too yes!!!


Vikova: Cool!! But Gareth is waiting I go inside with him now


Katona: for what??


Vikova: well he want help me and I was thinking too clean some things... the party is almost over...


Katona: ok sure see you later!


Gareth: don with the conversation? Hihi


Vikova: Yeah! ^_^ you want help huh? When the party is over you can stay a wile and help me with cleaning! : P




Vikova: YEAH?


Gareth: jup!


Vikova: key cool! One thing I have see you go inside the house when I was talking with my friend VerfVlek and Kovan and Kovita…

       Have you planning your Present there? But the stage is outside..


Gareth: hihihihi LOL no I was only go too the loo...hihi that’s a good one are curious...


Vikova: yeah I know sorry about that…


Gareth: its ok I love that...


Vikova: ehmm hihi....


When the party is over I was Thanking al my friends for coming and Gareth is helping with cleaning and he haves fun ^o^


Gareth: hahaha look at that, that bubble is so big! as my hand!


Vikova: hahaha it’s beautiful I don’t ever think that do the dishes can be so fun!!!


Gareth: cool huh!


Vikova: yeah its cool I know now its fun!


Gareth: yeah...^_^


When all the cleaning is don Gareth must go too his home again <_>


Gareth: mmmmmmm what I want too say is want to go out whit me some day?


Vikova :( thit was I think: WOW a date so Cool) YEAH cool! ^_^


Gareth: ok I will pick you up on a Saturday is that fine whit you?


Vikova: ok I see you than..


I give Gareth a good bye kiss and he was gone <_>


I came happy in the living room were my parents and sisters looking some TV...


Vikana: pfff that’s don all the stuff out site wow what a work!


KoTona: you can say that...


Vikova: alalalalalla...I going out on a Saturday alalalalalla


Happy: cool dear with who than?


Vikova: Whit Gareth


Vikana: GARETH, GARETH GATES? , Lucky girl!


Vikova: yes I have lucky I go sleep now and about 2 days I go out with Gareth^_^


Happy: ok Dear sleep well^_^


Vikova: thanks good night all!!


Vikana: good night lucky Vik!




This was my story 2 there come more story 3 comes too! It will cal: The Date ^_^