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So, this website is mainly for myself. It's not going to be filled with exciting content to rack up hits on the counter or any sort of worthwhile information. It's just my little corner of the fantabulous interweb to showcase photographs, movies, music, and whatever else I decide to put on here that makes me happy. 'Cause I'm selfish like that. ^_^

Since this site is for moi and I don't have to worry about this place being aesthetically pleasing, I'm probably going to kick it up a notch and have a ton of random layouts that strike my fancy strewn about the place like mad! RAH! =D I know, I know... it's all so exciting. ='}
Anywho! Don't bother clicking any of the links because they aren't going to lead you anywhere. ;oB I'm not going to bother changing all that at the moment because I am lazy and do not want to. Makes sense, yeah? ^_^ .

My light shall be the moon and my path- the ocean...