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The Valkyries of New Coven

The Valkyries of New

The Sisters


Book of Rioa
Book of Spells

The Legend

Valkyries, - maidens who served Odin as choosers of slain warriors, who were taken to reside in Valhalla

The Valkyries, were warrior maidens who attended Odin, ruler of the gods. The Valkyries rode through the air in brilliant armor, directed battles, distributed death lots among the warriors, and conducted the souls of slain heroes to Valhalla, the great hall of Odin.

The Valkyrie is, in the oldest strata of belief, a corpse goddess, represented by the carrion-eating raven. The name in Old Norse, valkyrja, means literally, "chooser of the slain." The Valkyrie is related to the Celtic warrior-goddess, the Morrigan, who likewise may assume the form of the raven. the Valkyries, as demigoddesses of death, had their legend conflated with the folklore motif of the swan maiden (young girls who are able to take on the form of a swan, sometimes as the result of a curse). If one could capture and hold a swan maiden, or her feathered cloak, one could extract a wish from her. This is why valkyries were sometimes known as swan maidens or wish maidens.

The Valkyries carry out the will of Odin in determining the victors of the battle, and the course of the war. Their primary duty is to choose the bravest of those who have been slain, gathering the souls of dying heros or warriors found deserving of afterlife in Valhalla. They scout the battle ground in search of mortals worthy of the grand hall. If you are deemed by the Valkyries as un-worthy of the hall of Valhalla you will be received after death by the goddess Hel in a cheerless underground world.

The 23 Valkyries are belived to be reborn unto wiccan and pegan belivers, primarily those connected to equines. This coven is devoted to re-untiteing the Valkyries, and exploreing their powers, as well as takeing on a few trainees to be new generation Valkyries. The original 23 are listed below.

Brynhildr/Brynn ("Byrnie of Battle" or "Mail-coat of Battle") Fire Element, Mount: -
Sigrdrifa/Sidria ("Victory Blizzard") Ice element, Mount: -
Sigrún/Siren ("Victory Rune") Rock element, Mount: -
Sváva/Vara Wind Element, Mount: -
Kára/Kara Air element, Mount: -
Hrist/Hera ("The Shaker") Electricity/Storm element, Mount: -
Mist/Mist("The Mist" or "The Fog") Water element, Mount: -
Skeggjöld/Gold ("Wearing a War Axe") Earth Element, Mount: -
Skögul/Sakura ("Battle" or "Rager") Wood Element, Mount: -
Hildr/Hilda ("Battle") Metal element, Mount: -
Ţrúđr/Prura ("Power") Sun element, Mount: -
Hlökk/Hawke ("Noise", "Din of Battle") Storm muse, Mount: -
Herfjötur/Jotur ("War-Fetter") Heart Element, Mount: -
Göll/Gull ("Loud Cry", "Battle Cry") Weather muse, Mount: -
Geirahöd/Geia ("Spear of Battle") Land muse, Mount: -
Randgríđr/Randi ("Shield of Peace") Purity demi-goddess, Mount: -
Ráđgri'đr/Ray ("Counsel of Peace" or "Gods' Peace") Sun element, twin of Prura, Mount: -
Reginleif/Leaf ("Heritage of the Gods") Earth Demi-goddess, Mount: -
Gunnr/Gunner ("Battle") Metal muse, 1 of 3 Fates, Mount: -
Róta/Rota ("She Who Causes Turmoil") Chaotic Muse, 2 of 3 Fates, Mount: -
Skuld/Skul ("She Who Is Becoming") Lower Chaotic Muse, 3rd of 3 Fates, Mount: -
Göndul/Delilah ("Magic Wand", "Enchanted Stave", "She-Were-Wolf") Spirit/Moon Element, Demi-goddess of rivers, Mount: Sorrel Appaloosa Mare, Cyndaali
Friagabi/Freedom ("Giver of Freedom") Heart Muse (much like a cupid), Mount: -

The Valkyrie Delilah is searching for her sisters! Please, come forth! We are also accepting trainees into the Valkyrie Coven.

Your Name:
Your Email:

(For reborns) Name of manafest:
(tell me why you belive yourself to be the afforementioned manafest, or why you want to join coven for training)

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