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     Cute layout, huh? Gota love the Green!!! it took a looooong time to pick this mainly 3 weeks that is why i have hardly anything well i think it is cute and Creena Is Just soo talented for makeing it ^_^!!! You think maintaining a site is hard try maintaining a site and making these things... i could probably never do it....... down to bussness Welcome To the Fanficks!!!!!

New stuff

     AeeeeeeeeeeHHHHHH!!!!!! Nothing we are empaty nothing new nothing old!! *sweatdrops* Well that makes sence we are new ^_^ Wich remides me My stuff will be posted by the chapter but... it is allass not typed up at all... I will start on it as soon as posible... Just to let you know i am a poor speller sooo...please dont get mad i will have people fixing my mistakes as soon as posible..^_~



      Bla bla bla Exstas are the top storrys and just to let you know the linx at the top will be for the newest stuff.. ^-^ hee hee i will try to update as soon as posible... Love ya all ~UTENA-CHAN!!!!!

Copyrights & Credits

      This layout is by Creena This image came from

Layout © Shadows Whisper Graphics