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My Home Page

Why I Hate Lists

Links to Other Places

Photos :-D
Other Crap To Come Soon

Well...this is site...I really dont know what to put here, other than the obvious. So here goes. Hi, this is my site, im Thomas(if i dont know you im Tom). I really am a more interesting person than this, but its late and im actually pretty random. Havin fun yet? I knew you would be. Hah, this is a blast eh? Whew...gotta take a breather......ok done. Well, im just another kid living in a Dallas suburb tryin not to die of boredom, not quite workin tho. Heh. Well yes, i know this is dull but Im sure youll find something to keep your attention. I hope. I am going to add more stuff and all...I think. If not, eh, who cares.