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Experience the healing power of unconditional love energy.             

To Love Again


A  Love Healing Adventure


Originator of  Workshop

“I can love me so much, that I can love you so much, that you can love you so much, that you can love me and others.”

Workshop Description

“To Love Again” is a dynamic, interactive workshop whose goal is to heal the wounded heart, emotions, mind and etheric body enabling people to once again experience and express love.

This workshop provides adventure and mystery as participants meet on Friday and are driven to a secret location in Mexico where the workshop will be held.  This aspect of the workshop provides a sense of leaving so that participants come back for a new beginning, and starting all over, once the healing is complete so that a new path can be charted.  At the completion of this workshop, participants will truly be new creatures of lovingness.

The "To Love Again" workshop includes: Lectures, self-applied healing techniques, one-on-one counseling, sound healing, massage, DNA reprogramming, visualizations, affirmations, group hypnosis, group projects, role playing, outings and an aftercare program.  We also include Shamanic water healing in the Pacific Ocean (Peace Ocean).

The maximum number of participants per workshop is fourteen.


Self-Forgiveness  Having created the situations that caused you pain and separation from self, you learn to forgive yourself.

Forgiveness of others – Acknowledging that you acted out of ignorance, and recognizing that ignorance does not exclude you from the pain of error, you take responsibility for your ignorance, pain, injury and fear and forgive others for their participation in your drama.

ReleaseThrough the use of proven healing modalities for releasing the energy of suffering, grief, pain and fear from your body/temple and etheric self, you will be free to experience love.

Growth Accessing what you learned from your experiences of the past, you will grow to a new level of well being.


Self-Love You disconnect from others to achieve balance, wholeness, and self-autonomy.

Affirming Self  Using affirmations, we re-program the subconscious to work for our highest good.

Awareness By accessing the self you determine the complimentary attributes desired from another for a love pairing.

Who should attend this workshop?  If you  have  abandoned love due to parental issues, relationship issues or past life issues, the “To Love Again” workshop is for you. If you have prayed for a healing then you can now trust yourself to journey into wholeness and love again. Our goal in the training is to help participants learn to love themself and share that love with others..

About Myeka

Myeka is the creator and presenter of “To Love Again.”  She is a Mother,  accomplished Organic Farmer, Healer, Fertility Awareness Educator, Public Speaker, Social Architect, Non-violent Psycho-analyst, Non-violent Institutional Developer, Parliamentarian and Teacher.

A sensitive soul, Myeka, has recovered from deep emotional, physical and psychological abuse that left her homeless and incapable of supporting herself and her family.  Relying on friends, family and often strangers, she consistently researched a means of healing herself for fifteen years. After a major portion of her healing, she created “To Love Again” as she began to experience love flowing within and without, and felt the need to share her findings with others.

Myeka is committed to creating a world where love is the operative energy.  As a student of non-violence she recognizes that void of the creation of non-violent institutions which will replace prisons/jails with clinics then we will continue to perpetuate the same sicknesses in society.  She often states, "After the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, legislation to heal the people of the ills, injuries, and  scourges of slavery should have been passed.  In that it was not we the people hobbled as cripples into the new opportunities brought about by a nonviolent revolution.  Not forging a new path, we sought to emulate those who had the appearance of power, and we sought to immerse ourselves in the very institutions that created our enslavement.  Void of healing there is no viable solution to our problems."

To Love Again Intensive Schedule

Friday, November 7th to Wednesday, November 12th, 2003  

Friday, November 21st to Wednesday, November 26th, 2003 

Friday, November 28th to Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003   

Friday, December 26th to Wednesday, December 31st, 2003

Friday, January 2nd to Wednesday, January 7th, 2004

                    Location: San Diego, California & Baja California area


There are two pick-up times on Friday (1 pm and 7pm).

Departures should be scheduled on Wednesday after 3 pm.  A special complimentary tour of Baja California is scheduled for Wednesday from 1 pm - 10 pm.

Love Again! Love Again! Love Again! Love Again!    ATTEND THIS INTENSIVE!

For a brochure or more information: Email:  or contact Helen Edmond at: 619-262-5727 Fax: (619) 839-3727


Fee, Registration and Cancellation Information

The fee is $1,375. Completion of the registration form and a $500.00 deposit reserves a workshop space and is due one month before a workshop date. The remaining balance of $875 is due two weeks prior to a scheduled workshop. After registration, fees are transferable within a year, but not refundable. Use your major charge cards to complete your registration.  

Cancellation Policy:  Registrant may cancel 30 days prior to the Workshop date and the total fee will be applied to attendance at a future Workshop (within one year).  If a registrant cancels over 14 and up to 30 days s/he will forfeit the $500 deposit; and the additional $500 will be applied to attendance at a  future Workshop (within one year).  If a registrant cancels less than 14 days prior to the Workshop, Loveforce, Inc. will consider all monies paid to be a tax-deductible donation and will issue a letter of contribution to the registrant.  Loveforce, Inc. may cancel a scheduled workshop one month in advance if registration is insufficient. In this case deposits will be refunded. Space is limited. We strongly urge early registration.

We must receive your check or money order at least one month in advance. Make check and money order payable to Loveforce, Inc. and mail them to: P.O.24912,  San Diego, CA 92112-4912

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2003 Loveforce, Inc.
Last modified: 8/28/03