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My photos...

5/22/03- I went for a walk in the woods up behind my house, up to some huge rocks that are really cool, and it was so nice out and so beautiful that I decided to just lay there and soak up the sun for a little while. Well, all of a sudden a hawk starts circling, and I took out my camera and snapped some pictures. It was pretty cool! So, these are the pics.

5/18/03-- After going to graduation, a friend from Kyle's church invited his family and me over to her house to have dinner. I had never been to this house before, and it was incredibly gorgeous! It is basically in the middle of nowhere, and there is lots of land with all sorts of gardens and different buildings- there is the main house, but then there are other buildings for different things, and they are all so neat. The family also has 6 children, and the youngest one showed me all around the area (she is in some of the pictures). The whole family is incredible, and their home is absolutely beautiful.

This is the main house.........................................................................................and this is a neat little playhouse.

These are two "garden" type things- beautifully overgrown with vines and all kinds of plants.

This is Adie opening the door to the greenhouse.


that's it for the moment... hopefully there will be more to come. :)