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.::.respect me.
dont hate. dont criticize.
just listen and understand

(aLL b0ut MEeH)

tiF~m0nEy) n0penkAm

b0ba, TiFFy

MarCh 19th

dRaMaTiZe CitY=
WestminsTer and qUiEt t0Wn=pLacenTia of s0uthern KaLi =II=714=II=

SiNgLE & LoVin it f0r n0w


eStaNcIa HiGh sk0oL

ScREEn NamE (aim):




~*m0st ppl walk in and 0ut 0f yer life, but 0nly tru friends leave f00tprints in yer heart*~



Why am i having such a hard time t0 ch0ose between paRents??? i L0ve b0th s0 much and i d0nt want any 0f them t0 get hurt..but if i d0nt live with my m0m she is heartbr0ken and if i live with my m0m my dad is heartbr0ken even if life with my m0m seem t0 be helLa better. I am s0 L0st and c0nfused...n0t kn0wing what t0 d0 and where t0 is just s0 hard...really hard t0 ch0ose between the tw0 ppl y0u truLy l0ve even if y0u d0nt sh0w it. im my situati0n that is h0w i feel...i feel bad and sad. =argh argh= As 0f right n0w, i dunn0 what t0 d0...m0m 0r dad??? every0ne says that i sh0uld live with my m0m but they d0nt understand that it w0uld be s0 hard f0r me t0 c0nfr0nt my dad wh0m has raised me since i was b0rn even when my m0ther left t0 the East c0ast. Being in this situation is trying me krazie but i am tryin to get thr0ugh it as much as p0ssible...


=MaLinda ThA0 (sh0rtee)=

Malinda and i have been c0usins since we opened our eyes into this world yet we were not as close to each other until 8th grade. Before 8th grade, we harldly talked, and  we knew that we were related but we didnt share a bond that we share today. She has always been a great cousin~niece and friend. MAlinda is like a long lost sister to me...we do everything and talk about almost everything to each other. i remember bak in the days before Malinda and i started to kik it...i use to kik it with guys and aLL but n0w its aLLl b0ut me and Malinda kik it t0gether...hehe i am really blessed to have found someone that i could talk to and go to when i am on the verge on breakin down and givin up in life. However, malinda help me gr0w and give em (ahem ahem) some *good* advices. with0ut her help i w0uldnt be able t0 the things that i d0 n0w. in 3 w0rlds i would describe her as being *bitchy cranky and caring*

Litt0 MIss MaLInda @ La Quinta HigH

Malinda-aCti0ns speak l0uder than words. the hardest thing t0 d0 is watch the 0ne y0u love, love the pers0n y0u ad0re. d0n't let the pass h0Ld y0u bak, y0u're missing the g0od s0rrie!!!!! d0nt fr0wn. y0u never kn0e wh0 is falling in love with yer smile. what t0 d0 when the 0nly pers0n can make y0u st0p crying is the pers0n wh0 can made y0u cry.




Although You May Not Love Me,
Although You May Not Care,
If You Should Need Me,
You`ll Know That I`ll Be There.
Love Me I`ll BeTaken,
Love Me Not I`ll Be Free
Whenever Your Heart Is Broken,
You Can Always Count On Me.
I`ll Always Be Close At Hand To Help You Through THe Pain,
Because With Every Sunshine Comes A Little Rain.I`llNeverStop Loving You,
I Know Because I`ve Never Tried
And Every Ocean In The World Can`t Hold The Tears I`ve Cried.

-Die for love-
I sit in the park where I dwell
For this boy I love so well
He took my heart away from me
Now he wants to set me free
I see a girl upon his knee
He says things to her he never said to me
I ran home to cry on my bed
Not a word to mother was said
Father came home late that night
He looked for me from left to right
He saw me hanging from a noose
He knew right then there was no use
He took his knife to cut me down
And on my dress a note was found:
Dig my grave and Dig it deep
Dig my grave From head to feet
And on the top place a dove
And remember this, I died for love.

::NeVEr LEt g0::

Memories strolling..every0ne going they got a story 0f their still gr0wing..telling st0ries in the past..time we were sad..time we laughed..but 0ur life didnt crash just yet. speaking 0f all the hella days we had..0ur friends in the high n00n and we are her when s0me are sad. we all h0pe t0 draw the L0ve fr0m 0ne an0ther. we see the truth and we never hide anything fr0m any0ne in 0ur gr0up and i thank all my friends 0ut there: y0u sh0wed me love, y0u gave me s0mething, a place to rest, so c0mf0rtable..kept me str0ng s0 n0thing w0uld blo0d fl0w thr0ugh my b0dy experiencing the pain, but y0u guys have my bak and i feel s0 free kuz i never felt s0 str0ng like that. n0w i lo0k at the many days with you i learned h0w t0 be tru and always be ko0l wen yer my friends. i thank y0u f0rreal my th0ughts are forreal even wen we fight, y0u n0e i feel and i care a bunch even if i d0nt say s0 in this imma let u all n0e in the past wat we did we had a blast...we had a few flunks and we had  a few blast..seeing it, and ill never let it g0, the mem0ries just stay..mem0ries still play..away i roll and in this time i still gr0w never let it slip away...

my pALs=g0od friEnds aRe harD t0 find, harder t0 leave, and imp0ssible t0 f0rget=

If I really cared-

I'd look you in the eyes when you talk to me
I'd think about what you're saying rather than what i'm going to say next
I'd hear your feelings as well as you words
If I really cared-
I'd listen without defending
I'd hear without deciding whether you're right or wrong
I'd ask you why and not just how, when and where
If I really cared-
I'd allow you inside of me
I'd tell you my hopes and dreams, fears and hurts
I'd tell you where I've blown it and when i've made it
If i really cared-
I'd laugh with you but not at you
I'd talk withy ou not to you
And I'd know when to do neither If I raelly cared- I wouldn't climb over your walls
I'd hang around until you let me in the gate
I wouldn't unlock your secrets
I'd wait until you handed me the key
If i really cared-
I'd love you anyhow
But I'd ask for the best that you can give
And gently draw it from you
If I really cared-
I'd put my scripts away
And leave my solution at home
The performances would end
We'd be ourselves


PicTuRes GaLLery: