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†Theo Nas Demure†

(One of the Family)

Theo Nas Demure - ::Slowly trudging out of the woods, at first glance as he walks into the beaten down dirt path he looks as if he is well built, someone who can defiantly handle him self. Moving closer to the deck it becomes easier to notice his appearance, his long black and silver hair hangs down just over his jade green eyes. Chains hang around his neck fade into his long black trench stretching down his body halting a few inches from the ground. An assortment of chains and hooks dangling from his belt sway with each step he takes. His hands seem to be the miss key of his attire, each hand bounded with steal over his knuckles wraped in canvas, with two star figures burned onto it as some sort of design. His inner body is a work of art, cover with brands dating back since birth, along with an assortment of tattoos, and tribe lifts. (App2/charm3)

Weapons/Skills - Theo had been born into a family of nothing but eternal war. Battles between Brothers for the highest rank in the family. Skilled swiftly in the art of the katana, that stretches to 3 ˝ feet long. True bare-knuckle boxer, he earns his money winning underground fights in the family’s facility. Trained by his own father from the age of 5 he has become one of the most deadly forces to walk the open plain.