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Welcome to the Neopets Munted Guild Website

Welcome all to the Munted guild website.
We have fun activities, competitions, advice, theme days and more. This site will be used for the later competitions, Phoebes Advice Column and possibly for the theme days.

Phoebes Advice Column

Hi everybody. Here is where we place advice for how you can become richer and how to get the best out of neopets.
Firstly lets start with the snowager times.
NOTE:This is all in neopian standard time.

Neomail yandros220 and alabaster_ with your question and we will try to answer them.


Welcome new members to the awesome new WEEKLY Munted Guild Lottery! What you do is send yandros220 a neomail with the number you want and a plushie(any of your choice) and at the end of each week there will be a draw and the winner gets a faerie(randomly picked)!This weeks prize is a light faerie! Enter now!REMEMBER ALL PLUSHIES AND NEOMAILS GO TO yandros220!I just wrote that cause there has been confusion in the past.ENJOY!

Below you will see some links leading you to awesome places around neopia.
Please join The Munted Guild today!

The exciting Munted Guild Caption Contest.

The rules for this caption contest are the same as the ones for the neopets caption contest.Send captions for the picture below to yandros220 and the best 2 get a prize.It will later be 3 winners but there aren't enough people yet.1st place gets the first place trophy 2 put on there user lookup and a codestone!(the trophy doesn't appear there u actually have 2 put it in.Send yandros220 a neomail if u don't know how) 2nd place gets the second place trophy and a faerie! Get your imaginations going!

Check out our New Munted Guild Charmed Website
The Charmed Ones


The lost desert
Mystery Island
Terror Mountain