
"If I Ruled the Country": 1 entry

Cyrano De Bergerac: 4 entries

Flesh Into Gear: 8 entries Memories of what I Love: 9 entries

My Lack of Life: 1 entry

Old Days: 1 entry

Tale of a Boy: 4 entries

The Dead Poets Society: 173 entries

The Isles of Scion: 9 entries

Upon New Eyes: 10 entries



Welcome to the Isles of Scion
Posted by: TheUltimateEnd
Well this is the beginning of something hopefully amazing as it progresses over time. The lsles of Scion is a project I've been daddling with for quite sometime. I hope once I finish high school to get really into it, but who knows. I guess we shall see as time passes.

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