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TheFurbs Vs.13

^^Kiwi, my baby birdie^^

Likes School: 15%

October 30th
Hey peoples...My hands are freezing! So are my feet...It's so fucking cold in this house! Gods! My mom is in Chicago and i'm stuck at home all alone till' my dad gets home later tonight...Arghys! Today sucked! Erm....Tomarrow we are having a dress up day that you can wear a custom and it's gay...I'm not going out trick or treating cuz my mom is not here and so isn't my dad...he will be at work...gods! Erm what else...I havn't done my stupid homework yet...I hate school it's gay! I kinda changed this look...I dunno if you like it...hmmm....I'm tired and i'm starving...gods! I guess I will go now...Buh byesh N-Dawg
October 29th
Hey my mom left today...My dad wont be home till like 9:30pm tonight...YEA! All alone...teehee....I still have Homework and chores...gods! I have the music cranked and dancing to the beat and sitting her talking to peoples and writting this...Erm...I got a 84% on my Bio test...That's a good thing! ehee! Erm i hate math and I'm not doing so hot in it...hmmm!!! I have to go up to do my homework soon...ARGHY! And do some chores and shit! This morning it was pouring and windy and i have to back and forth between buildings and I got wet and my skirt went up and it was not fun! I hate Mrs. Perry she is sucha BITCH!!! I hate her! I wish she did die in that thingy GODS!!! Anywhos...GG nothing else to say! Buh byesh! N-Dawg


ON a Haitus...
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Plane Crash?
Cell Phone gear
The Fanlistings
Live Journal Icons
Dream Creations
Surreal Dreams
Libby's Journal
Matt W.'s Site
Matt L.'s Site


Funk in a Skirt

What about the girl?¿
Likes to be called
AKA Cora, Teen, McAuley HS, Weird, Tired Sleep, Tee-vee, Boyz, Animals, Music, Tropics, Stars, Movies and Showers

Copyrighted Nora Bryant
TheFurbs 2003

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