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home oh what lame stuff have they done now? humour makes the world go round - not literally the_oracle guild headquarters      By Shutonio and Suze

The Zarbonia Guild Webbie

Shutonio:Welcome to our puny pathetic excuse for a website! I am Shutonio! Me and Suze had this stupid idea that we should make a website, and being the crazy obsessed idiots we are, we decided it should be about Dragonball Z. But which character would our site focuse on? Well, we could have easily done a character like Vegeta or Trunks, but noooo, we needed something original and different, so who else to do a site on than Zarbon? The gayest, greenest, most australian alien you will ever come across.
But that still wasn't enough. Suze had another stupid idea,

Suze: Let's do a site about Jeice too!

Shutonio:But why the hell would we want to dedicate a site to a red faced freak?

Suze:"Because he's a cool red faced freak! Maybe his face has just been permanently stained that way after years of humiliation of being forced to be in the Ginyu Force against his will! It was obviously an evil trick planned by some evil person who was out to get him. Poor Jeice." :(

Shutonio:So that is exactly why we have a site dedicated to the two misfits of Dragonball Z, Zarbon and Jeice! Woo-Hoo.