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My Home Page

So, you're checking me out? This REALLY is my M3!

Well, I'm assuming you came here to learn more about me... perhaps my personality, or what I look like. If you have to come here, you probably shouldn't know :)

I'm a pretty normal 18 year old guy- I'm getting ready to graduate high school, and move on to college. I've lived here in Everett for the past 15 years or so, and gone to school here. There are alot of things I like to do, and I'm always open to new things... as long as they are, well... not "trashy". I'm a pretty down to earth kinda guy, I enjoy the scene I'm in right now. I'm happy MOST of the time, I mean come on! NO ONE can be happy ALL of the time :op I enjoy watching movies, getting a bite to eat with my beautiful Skyla, and checking out beauty of the Seattle area.

Just check back, this page will be updated periodically with more pictures and links and the one and only Chris Stein!