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Tali's Domain..Dare ye enter?

*You enter a large cave and see a pair of blood thirsty red orbs..Out of the shadows comes a wolf like creature,daggers bared,Claws ready..It sees the fear on your face.You notice it is a female,flames creeping up charcoal pelt.Large feathery wings grace her shoulder blades.She is massive,yet speaks in a gentle,yet serious tone.Her tail swishing,She hands you a book."I have a story for you.."She was staring at you hungrily,holding back though.

This is my space.This is in first person.The rest is third person.I am a loner.Don't like company much...But I do admire Mohabi...Ebon'..Inferno pressed 'pon limbs and maw..I also have my black wings,fire imprinted in feathers..strong form,slender..If you are wondering,yes,I am wild..I never met Mohabi,but I saw him a couple of times...And yes I do actually live...Well,my mate is Hunter of course..He's nice...Well,what can I say?What'd you say?You want My story?

In the woods lay a pathLess traveled than the others,Hidden.Life began for Tali there.She was a wolf of Black pelt,flames creeping up limbs,maw,and tail.She was always big for her age-height and strength wise.She is very intelligent,and was always dark.Her soul was dark.A pack picked her up and taught the young wolf basic skills-in which she mastered beyaond the others even dreamed.Then the war happened.It was a very bloody dispute between the Midnight shadows and Blizzard Sun packs..Oh yes..Many wolves were killed,including the wolf that watched after Tali when her foster parents were away.She was a teen.Her 'foster' parents gave her the mountain range and they fled,fled far away and were eventually slaughtered.Her hatred grew,but she made good use of her land,she let the packess nomad wolves stay there until they found a pack of their own.Her life was bad-then it got worse.Since she was two now,and in full control of her land,she was blessed.Now remember the fact that she wasn't born,oh no,she was a messenger from the Wolf god,Diarai.That was the Father of all wolves.Keilo is the wolf goddess,or the mother of all wolves.Tali is the pure product of the two,seeing her size,knowlage,power,and strength.But when she howled in a certain way,armor,Thick armor would cover her body.She'd be able to stand on two legs,Her wings would be seilds.And she would receive a sword-a Crysanthemum sword.The Crysanthemums were a sign of royalty,leadership and a gift from the Gods.She was equipped with two.If she found another wolf like herself,that she felt for,Tali would give him the other,and they would be known as the modern-day wolf gods..And it would declare them as partners,or better known as mates..
Hunter,a mascu' of midnight black pelt,with night sky blue occuli is joined with Tali now.He is pure of heart,and sweet.He has large feathery black wings,and is about the size of Tali.They are mates.The two were through many exploits and adventures,and always getting out amost unharmed..Hunter will quickly learn all the tunnels as Tali has givin the Wolf God Sword and her accepted it.She has a VERY strong feel for Hunter,ever since that day when a poacher had shot her and fled.Hunter came,and healed her.As soon as she saw him and read his personality,she started liking him.It is promenent now,that she loves him so....
Tali transforms.She has four different forms.Well actually five if you count regular.The first abnormal form is attaned when she howls in a certain way.Armor grows on her fur.Her wings can be deadly seilds,and she can stand upright like a human.Her eyes go blank.The second form is a silver furred form.Tali only uses this when showing her past.All her fur and feather turn a glossy,sparkly silver.The third form is like the first,only she CANT stand on two legs.Her wings become a more agile type,like a seagull's.Hetr paws get enormous.She unlocked the inner strength.The fourth form,oh..Dearie shikiree,you might not want to know but you will eventually find out.Therefore,I shall tell you.She unleashes the Gods on you.If she pleases she can destroy a small planet at willl.Very hard to obtain this state,she only attained it once....

Her lining returns as the vicious shape.She leaves,the lighting dimmers,and you are alone...The glowing of her flames haunt you..Her fangs..You are afraid..You go mad,she notices this and puts you out of your misery..She approaches you,the femme's eyes glisten.She howls and her eyes turn blank,she grows thick armor on her body,all over.In a sheathe lay a chrysanthemum sword,the blade creating a glare in your eyes..The wild fury of her leaves with a powerful flap of large wings..

NOTE:Soon Tali will have adoptables that you can take to guard you,an adoptable page of other adoptables of others too.ART REQUESTS OPEN!TRADES OPEN!Fan art or art from trades gladly accepted.WE LOVE FAN ART!!

Tali's human FINNALLY got the pictures!