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Broken Heart of Love's Demise

Backround Information

"A Poet's Requiem" I guard my heart as if it were the most precious of treasues. For its broken shards still bleed from its last wound. My sword I clutch so close that my heart's faint beating passes into the blade causing it to burn with fury. In a world full of pale and fake faces I see one that stands out. But in that face I see my fate. My beginning and my end. I see my soul in his eyes. A pair of elustrious brown jewels set in a perfectly innocent face. Shall this stranger be brave enough to pull my weapon from the heart it protects or will I without hesitation draw my weapon and beat down another cruel puppet master in Cupid's Demise. My body belongs to my god, but my heart and love, may have fallen victum to this young man's spell.
