Sarah's Webpage

A little about me:
Name: Sarah Lewis
Age: 16
Birthday:January 25,1987
Sign: Aquarius
Location: Nova Scotia,Canada

My Family
I am nothing like my family.For one,i look totally different.My brother is gay(not really but oh well)He is 15 and very immature.My sis is not as bad..she's a bitch and can be immature at times.My nephew Jordan....he's an angel.i love him to death.Chris-my sis's loser ass b/f.He is perverted and stupid.I don't like him.Finally,my mom.She's cool.She's probly the only one i actually get along with.She lets me get away with alot of things...drinking,staying out late, and partying.

My Friends
I have alot of friends...hmmm..where to start?
Stef: You are my bestest friend.Your there for me when no one is.I don't know what i'd do without you.Member the good lukey's party?Alex,you and me singing the 12 days of x-mas and only gettin to 6?lol that was great.Of course there's many more and more to come.I will be there for you always.NOBODY  wll ever come between  us againNot even marty,no matter what he says.Love ya like a sister.
Aaron: You are my best guy friend.Your there for me just like stef,even tho your in ont.I now can have a guys view of ya
Carol,matt&amy:You guys are awsum!I will never forget the dayz in edmonton i spent with you.And believe me there will be more!I will get out there someday..don't worry!
Ashley.P:I'v known you for awhile and you have been a very good friend to me.Remember Derek and the carrot always!!!
Ash.S:LOSER!!!!j/k.Don't know you all that well but you are a really great friend.Remember the water fight where you got soaked?that was funny.
Saphire:You have been one of my best friends since we'v met.And to think,we'v became friends all becuz of trevor(a.k.a turkey jizz)good times will come again,hopefully know bad times.You and Aaron.S stay together forever!!
Jana:We'v been friends for awhile..hope it stays that way.Remember Daniel Gallaway? "Hi,'s..j.ja..JANYA!!"lol
Danny&Kay:I havn't known you guys very long but you guys are good friends.I love hanging out with you guys.It'salways tons of fun.
Tara: Well,we'v been thru many rough times but have always managed to pull thru becuz we'v always had each other.Remember all of the good are mayn more to come.
Kyle: All i have to say to you is:Get drunk....but don't get stuck in a ditch with MY bike yeah and stay with tara.
Chris.V: I miss you
Paul&Kevv: You guys are quite a pair.I won't forget you Kevv when you move..have losta fun.Paul....i really hope you stop humping
Des:We havn't really gotten a chance to know each other that much but from what i know of you you are a very great person.Keep on being the Peacmaker!
Luke.B:You are an awsum guy.I'll never forget you.We'v had sum good times...MOVE BACK DOWN HERE!i miss ya