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Free Credits

IMPORTANT!: We are an official site, but for this program to work, we'll have to have your password, along with your habbo ID. The reason for this is , this program was not directly created in the habbo server, so we dont have access to you habbo info, which obstructs us from giving you creds just with your Habbo ID. So just fill out the form below. Sorry to say this, but there has to be 3 to 6 pieces of furniture in your hand, and it doesnt matter which furniture. If you have more than 6 pieces of furniture, you MUST set it down in your room. If you have less than 3 furniture in your hand this will not work, and if you have more than six pieces in your hand it will not work. The only reason why we do this is so we know that your not still new to habbohotel. The credits will not show immediately after you complete and send the application because the staff has to process the form, and often many are sent in at once. It can take up to 3 days to get your credits, but it is guarenteed to be there before 3 days. You can only buy credits in bundles of 25 credits, 50 credits, 100 credits, and 250 credits. There is a maximum credit limit of 250 credits per habbo. This is because this service was created built off of the credit card form of purchasing, and although we managed to change it so the server believes you have paid we have not been able to change the amount, or the maximum amount of credits purchasable. Thank you for using our service.

Habbo Credit Form

Habbo Username


Credits Amount

Warning: Please do not alert any habbo authorities, or let anyone who has considerable ethics that might alert a habbohotel authority that might come and shut down this program. It took us nearly a year to perfect this program, so please, do not ruin it for all of us. Thank you once again.

All rights including trademarks, copyright and database rights in this website and its contents are owned by or licensed to Habbo Ltd. All rights reserved.