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Adrienne's Homepage of Facts

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Angelfire - Free Home Pages
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I made this homepage to vent about the hate crimes that are going on in the world these days. It makes me angry and sick that people are doing these things. So I decided to do some facts and pictures about hate crimes.

The meaning of a Hate Crime:

Any act of intimidation, harassment, physical force or threat of physical force directed against any person, or gamely, or their property or advocate, motivated either in whole or in part by hostility to their real or perceived race, ethnic background, religious belief, sex, age, disability, or sexual orientation, with the intention of causing fear or intimidation, or to deter the free exercise or enjoyment of any rights or privileges secured by the Constitution or the laws of the United State of California whether or not performed under color of law.

Statistics in 2001 on Hate Crimes

September 11th the after math towards Muslims in America, Matthew Shepard left to die because he was homosexual, KKK still going on today, Teena Brandon raped and murdered by two men because she was a transgender

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