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MaiN + NeOpeTs + LiNks + AboUt + ThaNks + AffiLiaTeS


Welcome to StaRRy StuFFs Version 1.0 HaPPy HaLLoWeeN!!!! The StuFfs round here are mostly on NeoPetS. HoPe neopets gamers would make good use of the graphics!! Thankies!! You can send me a layout requst in future. Not now =(
Send StaRRy an EmaiL.


31st OcT 2003

Made a 5566 Guild layout, Halloween Soupfaerie Guild Layout and this layout. =)

1st NoV 2003

Updated the SiTe but no time to make any changes...

2nd NoV 2003

Went to Escape Theme Park and a Shopping Mall with my Great Friends!!

3rd NoV 2003

Change the above witch picture as the file size is too big and takes quite a long time to load. Hope you guys likes the "Loading Friendly Layout". That's what I call it. tee hee!! :)

4th NoV 2002

Didnt feel like doing anything today. So tired and nervous as i'll be putting on braces tomorrow morning at 8.30a.m!! So scared!! GOSH!!

5th NoV 2003

HAHA. I make a realli silly mistake! I thought I have o put on braces today but actually today is just consent from parents, X-ray scan and modelling of my teeth shape. The actual date is 17th NoV 2003. GOSH!!

6th NoV 2003

Planned to make a Christmas Layout!

7th NoV 2003

Made a Christmas Layout & 2 Baby NeoPets Layout!! Yay! But it's not coded! LOL!! Click here to view Baby NeoPets Guild Layout 1 & here to view Baby NeoPets Guild Layout 2!!