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Stardust Dollz

My Favorite Web Sites

cool quotes for sn's
if ur into my dollz, i got some from her!!!
my favorite clothing site
this is the coolest site, i just love it!!!

Hi everyone thankz for visitin my site!! Im currently workin on figurin out how to actually get my dollz on here lol.....but when i do get them on here you need to know that none of the dollz on this site were created by me and i do not take credit for ANY of them!!!!!!!!! thankz for comin well....i guess therz nothin else to say but.................... ~*BYEZ*~ hey guyz, thanks for visiting my web site! I hope you tell someone else about it! most of the dollz you will see here have been taken from other web sites and i do not take credit for any of them!!!!!! thankz for comin well i guess theres nothing else to say but.............~~~BYEZ~~~